Forum Linux.débutant Passage au kernel 2.6

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Question bête :

je souhaite tester le kernel 2.6, j'ai une jolie config faite mains sauvegardée avec menuconfig du noyau 2.4, comment fais-je pour la reinjecter proprement dans menuconfig du kernel 2.6 ?

Passke là si je copie la config dans un fichier .config à la racine des sources 2.6, voici un echantillon des gentils messages que j'obtiens en faisant "make menuconfig" :

.config:34: trying to assign nonexistent symbol MELAN
.config:51: trying to assign nonexistent symbol X86_HAS_TSC
.config:68: trying to assign nonexistent symbol X86_NUMA
.config:69: trying to assign nonexistent symbol X86_TSC_DISABLE
.config:115: trying to assign nonexistent symbol KCORE_ELF
.config:116: trying to assign nonexistent symbol KCORE_AOUT
.config:120: trying to assign nonexistent symbol OOM_KILLER
.config:150: trying to assign nonexistent symbol PARPORT_IP22
.config:169: trying to assign nonexistent symbol CISS_MONITOR_THREAD
.config:172: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_SX8
.config:177: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_STATS
.config:189: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_LVM
.config:199: trying to assign nonexistent symbol FILTER
.config:209: trying to assign nonexistent symbol INET_ECN
.config:238: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IP_NF_MATCH_UNCLEAN
.config:242: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IP_NF_TARGET_MIRROR
.config:275: trying to assign nonexistent symbol KHTTPD
.config:340: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_ISAPNP
.config:350: trying to assign nonexistent symbol IDEDMA_PCI_WIP
.config:351: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_ADMA100
.config:356: trying to assign nonexistent symbol AMD74XX_OVERRIDE
.config:382: trying to assign nonexistent symbol DMA_NONPCI
.config:383: trying to assign nonexistent symbol BLK_DEV_ATARAID

et ainsi de suite...

Pour tout dire, ça ne me plait pas trop...

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