Forum Programmation.perl extraction de pièce jointes sur boite IMAP

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Salut à tous,

Voilà des jours que je bloque sur Perl. Je suis un piètre programmeur et je me suis mis à Perl voilà 2 semaines, et je galère comme pas possible.

Mon script doit extraire la pièce jointe du dernier mail arrivé dans une boite IMAP.
Je dois pas en être loin, puisque mon script arrive à afficher le contenu du message grâce au module IMAP:Talk.

Le problème, c'est qu'ensuite j'essaye de passer le message au module Attachment::stripper. Celui ci attend un objet MIME et apparemment c'est cette transmission que j'arrive pas à faire...

Voici mon code :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Email::Simple;
use Email::MIME;
use Mail::IMAPTalk;
use Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper ;

$FolderName = 'INBOX';

$imap = Mail::IMAPTalk->new(
Server => '',
Port => 143,
Username => 'user',
Password => 'pass',
Separator => '.',
RootFolder => 'Inbox',
CaseInsensitive => 1)
|| die "Connection failed. Reason: $@";

# Select folder and get first unseen message
$imap->select($FolderName) || die $@;
$imap->select($FolderName) || die $@;
$MsgId = $imap->search('not', 'seen')->[0];

print "Message ID :".$MsgId."\n";
print "Message ID2 :".$imap->search('not', 'seen')->[0]."\n";
print "quoi :".$imap->search('not', 'seen')->[1]."\n";

$MsgEV = $imap->fetch($MsgId, 'envelope')->{$MsgId}->{envelope};
print "From: " . $MsgEV->{From}."\n";
print "To: " . $MsgEV->{To}."\n";
print "Subject: " . $MsgEV->{Subject}."\n";
print "Sender: " . $MsgEV->{Sender}."\n";

# Get message body structur
my $MsgBS = $imap->fetch($MsgId, 'bodystructure')->{$MsgId}->{bodystructure};
print "Size: ".$MsgBS->{Size}."\n";

# Find imap part number of text part of message
$MsgTxtHash = Mail::IMAPTalk::find_message($MsgBS);
$MsgPart = $MsgTxtHash->{text}->{'IMAP-Partnum'};

# Retrieve message text body
$MsgTxt = $imap->fetch($MsgId, "body[$MsgPart]")->{$MsgId}->{body};
print "Content: ".$MsgTxt."\n";

my $parsed = Email::MIME->new($MsgPart);
print "parsed ".$parsed."\n";

print "structure :".$parsed->debug_structure."\n";
my $parts = $parsed->parts;
print "nb parts ".$parts."\n";
my @parts = $parsed->parts;

my $i=0;
foreach (@parts) {
my $j=0;
foreach ($parts[$i]) {
print "parts ".$parts[$i]."\n";


my $decoded = $parsed->body;
print "body ".$decoded."\n";

my $stripper = Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper->new($parsed);
my Email::MIME $msg2 = $stripper->message;
print "message ".$msg2[0]."\n";
my @attachments = $stripper->attachments;

my $i=0;
foreach (@parts) {
my $j=0;
foreach ($parts[$i]) {
print "hash :".$attachments[$i]->{payload}."\n";


Si une âme charitable veut bien m'aider...

Merci d'avance à tous ceux qui vont regarder mon code.
  • # @attachments

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 4.

    regarde avec Data::Dumper à quoi ressemble @attachments
    • [^] # Re: @attachments

      Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

      Merci pour ton aide !

      ça m'a permit de réaliser que IMAP::Talk renvoie une structure alors que Attachment::Stripper attends une string.

      Par contre j'ai pas encore trouvé comment récupérer une string du coup...

      Voilà aussi mon code un peu nettoyé :


      use strict;
      use warnings;

      use Data::Dumper;
      use Email::Simple;
      use Email::MIME;
      use Mail::IMAPTalk;
      use Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper ;
      use constant DUMP => '/home/jc';

      my $server = '';
      my $imap_port = '143';
      my $login = 'jc';
      my $password = 'pass';

      my $FolderName = 'INBOX';

      print "******************\n";
      print "* MAIL EXTRACT *\n";
      print "******************\n\n";

      print "Connecting to IMAP server at ".$server.":".$imap_port."...\n";

      # open the imap connection using IMAP::Talk
      my $imap = Mail::IMAPTalk->new(
      Server => $server,
      Port => $imap_port,
      Username => $login,
      Password => $password,
      Separator => '.',
      RootFolder => 'Inbox',
      CaseInsensitive => 1)
      || die "Connection failed. Reason: $@";

      # Select folder and get first unseen message
      $imap->select($FolderName) || die $@;
      my $MsgId = $imap->search('not', 'seen')->[0];

      if ($MsgId) {

      # Get the enveloppe
      print "The message with ID ".$MsgId." has the following enveloppe :\n";
      my $MsgEV = $imap->fetch($MsgId, 'envelope')->{$MsgId}->{envelope};
      print "From: " . $MsgEV->{From}."\n";
      print "To: " . $MsgEV->{To}."\n";
      print "Subject: " . $MsgEV->{Subject}."\n";
      print "Sender: " . $MsgEV->{Sender}."\n";
      print "Continue ?\n";

      # Get the message body structure
      my $MsgBS = $imap->fetch($MsgId,'bodystructure')->{$MsgId}->{bodystructure};
      print "The size of the message is ".$MsgBS->{Size}."kB\n";
      print "Continue ?\n";

      # Find imap part number of text part of message
      my $MsgTxtHash = Mail::IMAPTalk::find_message($MsgBS);
      my $MsgPart = $MsgTxtHash->{text}->{'IMAP-Partnum'};

      # Retrieve message text body
      my $MsgTxt = $imap->fetch($MsgId, "body[$MsgPart]")->{$MsgId}->{body};
      print "Full message : \n";
      print "\n<-------------------------------------->\n";
      print $MsgTxt."\n";
      print "\n<-------------------------------------->\n";
      print "Continue ?\n";

      # Transform the content from IMAP:Talk into a MIME object using Email:MIME
      my $parsed = Email::MIME->new($MsgTxt);
      print "Parsed content :\n". Dumper( $parsed) . "\n";

      # display the MIME structure
      print "MIME structure :" . $parsed->debug_structure . "\n";
      my $parts = $parsed->parts;

      print "Number of email parts : $parts\n";
      my @parts = $parsed->parts;

      my $i=0;
      #foreach (@parts) {
      # print "Dumped email part $i:\n",
      # Dumper( $parts[$i] ),
      # "\n";
      # $i++;

      my $decoded = $parsed->body;
      #print "body: " . Dumper( $decoded ) . "\n";

      # Give the Email MIME content to Attachment::Stripper for extraction
      my $stripper;

      if ($parts > 1) {
      $stripper = Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper->new($parts[1]);
      else {
      die "This message consists of a single part.\n";

      die "Not an regular MIME part given to stripper:\n"
      if not ref $stripper;

      # The extraction method itself
      my @attachments = $stripper->attachments;

      # Display the resulting attachments hash
      foreach (@parts) {
      my $j=0;
      foreach ($parts[$i]) {
      print "hash:\n" . Dumper( $attachments[$i]->{payload}) . "\n";


      # Close the IMAP connection

      # Save the attachments on the local disk
      foreach $i (@attachments)
      my $file = 'test'.$i; #DUMP . @attachments->filename(1);
      open FILE, '>', $file or die $!;
      print FILE @attachments;
      close FILE;
      chmod 0644, $file;
      else {
      print "No new message in the mailbox\n"

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