Forum général.petites-annonces The Tor project is looking for a Software Engineer (postuler avant le 31 Mai)

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Étiquettes :

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Preferred Qualifications:

  • Be comfortable working remotely with a geographically distributed team.
  • Experience interacting with users and other developers online, including experience being confronted with differing ideas and opinions, while maintaining a high level of professionalism.
  • Strong ability to become familiar with, modify, and maintain legacy codebases.
  • Experience updating and maintaining software build systems.
  • Distributed version control systems, including Git.
  • Experience developing and debugging software in a Linux environment.
  • Familiarity with: JavaScript, HTML, CSS; C++ and Rust; Kotlin and Java.
  • Experience developing and debugging software for the Android platform.
  • Familiarity and/or experience with writing add-ons and/or patches for Mozilla Firefox or other web browsers.
  • Familiarity with web technologies and how the web works, especially the same-origin model and web tracking.
  • Familiarity with browser fingerprinting defenses.
  • Familiarity with Firefox's internal architecture, including its use of multiple processes and sandboxing.

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