Journal Brevet au parlement européen

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Dear Eurolinux Petition Supporter,

Thank you for signing our

Petition for a Software Patent Free Europe

a while ago, and for allowing us to inform you about upcoming actions.[1]

We now need your participation again.

The European Parliament is likely to ratify a Software Patent Directive,
possibly with helpful amendments, in May. Detailed news are found at

Your participation can have a decisive influence.

Here are a few things to do:

(1) Sign our Amendment Proposals by clicking

or, if you already have a user ID, by logging in at

and then navigating through "Signing Appeals".

(2) Now you are logged into a system which makes it easy to
select and contact Members of the European Parliament (MEPs)


==> My MEPs
==> I would rather select an MEP myself
==> [ selection criteria ]
==> [ 1 MEP ]

(3) Directly phone your MEP, express your concern about the
"Software Patent Directive Project", find out who in this MEP's
office is studying the matter, how they think and whom they
follow, and inform us by leaving a "Confidential Note".

It is very important that MEPs hear *your* voice directly
and not just the voices of a few "Eurolinux lobbyists".

(4) Write to the person with whom you just phoned.
Consider backing up your letter by a page on your website.
Keep it simple, but feel free to ask for our assistance in formulating.
In any case, send us copies/pointers.

(5) The Green and Liberal Fractions of the European Parliament are calling
on representatives of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) to speak at a
hearing on May 8th about the Software Patent Directive Project. There
will also be a demonstration in front of the parliament building.

Please consider speaking at the hearing, if you can speak for a
company. Companies from Eastern Europe (future member countries) are
also (and even particularly) welcome. Contact us for details.

Information about the event schedule is being published at

and you can register as a participant through the
web forms.

(6) Make a donation for our lobbying expenses. We are spending at least
30,000 EUR on top of a lot of unpaid voluntary work, and we will not
be able to pay all our bills unless you come forward with donations.

The bank account for a donation is

Bank Code 70150000
Bank Address: DE 80335 München Lotstr 1
Name of Bank: Stadtsparkasse München
Account: 31112097
Account Owner: FFII e.V.
Keyword: europarl

It would be great if you could get started with at least one of the
above items right now.

For brevity, we are writing in English only this time, but we will try to
answer your questions or replies in the language of your choice.

Yours sincerely
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
kore, adios, ciao, groeten, na schledanou, saygilar, ...

-- Hartmut Pilch, FFII & Eurolinux Alliance tel. +49-89-12789608 Protecting Innovation against Patent Inflation 140,000 signatures against software patents
  • # Re: Brevet au parlement européen

    Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

    a mon avis on l' a tous reçu :) (ou du moins la majorité des lecteurs de linuxfr)
    • [^] # Re: Brevet au parlement européen

      Posté par  . Évalué à 4.

      Euh bah perso, j'avais signé cette pétition à ses débuts, à une adresse hotmail que j'ai arreté d'utiliser depuis (a cause du spam), donc c'est quand meme utile d'avoir posté ca

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