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On en parlait dejà ici, maitenant c'est officiel :
Solaris source code will be available under the OSI-approved CDDL
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Ne résistant pas à l'envie de vous faire partager le reste de ce mail, le voici donc (sans traduction, faut pas déconner !):

We wanted you to hear it first.

Today, Sun announced that the source code for the Solaris operating system--the most advanced operating system in the industry--will be made available through its OpenSolaris program. This milestone opens significant new opportunities for developers, customers, and partners. Open source Solaris means that the world will have full, free of cost access to the Solaris source code. Sun believes that the open source model is the right one because it benefits our customers. Open source means that our partners and customers will be able to more easily customize Solaris to fit their needs. It means developers ouside of Sun will be able to collaborate with our Solaris developers at Sun to make this great operating system even better.

Highlights of the announcement include:
- Sun will release the code under the newly OSI-approved Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), based on the Mozilla Public License (MPL)
- Solaris Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) code - which changes the way you performance tune, debug, capacity plan, or simply understand your systems - is available now on
- Sun will form an advisory board consisting of two members from Sun, two members from the OpenSolaris pilot program, and one member from the broader open source community

Find out more...
Read the entire press release at
Preview the Web site at

If you have any questions or feedback, please send a message to

Thank you,

Sun Microsystems

Résumons donc cette nouvelle que nombreux vous attendiez :
Solaris est OpenSource et libre suivant la "Common Development and Distribution License" elle même basée sur la MPL (Mozilla).

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