De Bruno Coudoin sur la liste gcompris-devel:
Just released gcompris 6.1 As usually, get it from
- Many graphical improvements all around gcompris.
For example, one I am pretty proud of
- Took 3 icons from the excellent new site
(Public Domain)
- Fixed a HUGE memory leak.
- Added a difficulty level filter in the configuration dialog
- fixed algorihm activity. Now the random effect is controled so that
the example makes sense. Created a cute background for it.
Took the idea from the old roman 'le pont du gard' in france.
- clockgame, the hour needle is shorter to avoid confusion.
- A new activity from Yves Combe. It's based a vector drawing
animation engine. The kid creates an animation by making each
images one by one. This activity is still under development but
it's already playable. Thanks a lot Yves for this great activity.
It's maybe one of the most attractive in artistic terms. It is not
really classifiable in terms of age. Play it while you get fun.
Last, it's way ahead of anything I saw in proprietary software for
kids. Note that since it's not available in the windows version.
- merged the windows and Linux code. There is no more need for me
to provide the windows code separatly.
- changed the windows version to provide a 1 month grace period.
Within this time, all the activities are available. After this,
it's like before, only 12 activities will run.
Have fun.
Vous avez besoin de la dernière version de gnome-python pour jouer avec la nouvelle activité. Sinon ça marche pas.
Amusez vous bien.
Journal GCompris 6.1 est sorti.
# Page principale.
Posté par fleny68 . Évalué à 2.
J'avais pas vu que c'était par défaut en privé. Je voulais le mettre en page principale. Tant pis!
[^] # Re: Page principale.
Posté par ploum (site web personnel, Mastodon) . Évalué à 3.
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