Da Linux French Page Statistics linuxfr.org

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 25-Oct-2024 06:25 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 19351544
Total Files 16801750
Total Pages 10904787
Total Visits 1652195
Total kB Files 1251479353
Total Unique Sites 200818
Total Unique URLs 1339650
Total Unique Usernames 15
Total Unique User Agents 12970
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 32252 53962
Hits per Day 774061 938205
Files per Day 672070 822135
Pages per Day 436191 554241
Sites per Day 8032 27918
Visits per Day 66087 73373
kB Files per Day 50059174 63433624
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.02% 4626
Code 200 - OK 86.82% 16801750
Code 201 - Created 0.03% 5734
Code 204 - No Content 0.03% 5075
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.01% 2683
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.84% 162520
Code 302 - Found 0.61% 118678
Code 304 - Not Modified 10.69% 2068207
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 383
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.01% 1628
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.06% 10650
Code 404 - Not Found 0.87% 168141
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.00% 661
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.00% 3
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 176
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 105
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.00% 524

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F
1 787865 4.07% 689551 4.10% 445643 4.09% 57336 3.47% 24046 11.97% 63433624 5.07%
2 739755 3.82% 632558 3.76% 387435 3.55% 58109 3.52% 26311 13.10% 58447757 4.67%
3 734842 3.80% 634913 3.78% 399341 3.66% 57647 3.49% 27918 13.90% 59121423 4.72%
4 683679 3.53% 585881 3.49% 364629 3.34% 70249 4.25% 23773 11.84% 55827716 4.46%
5 677172 3.50% 587565 3.50% 379278 3.48% 70054 4.24% 23000 11.45% 51613701 4.12%
6 728385 3.76% 636764 3.79% 416070 3.82% 70488 4.27% 23941 11.92% 56279709 4.50%
7 756884 3.91% 650651 3.87% 407255 3.73% 70894 4.29% 22627 11.27% 57386588 4.59%
8 782505 4.04% 679606 4.04% 438214 4.02% 71275 4.31% 25533 12.71% 54548901 4.36%
9 786395 4.06% 682989 4.06% 442544 4.06% 71455 4.32% 23264 11.58% 51014973 4.08%
10 845358 4.37% 731961 4.36% 490512 4.50% 71522 4.33% 27137 13.51% 49740977 3.97%
11 815598 4.21% 709548 4.22% 444237 4.07% 70734 4.28% 26420 13.16% 46077777 3.68%
12 845513 4.37% 748730 4.46% 511431 4.69% 68321 4.14% 23785 11.84% 51200825 4.09%
13 849488 4.39% 752868 4.48% 506651 4.65% 63780 3.86% 23843 11.87% 54204881 4.33%
14 900897 4.66% 792765 4.72% 505573 4.64% 70886 4.29% 27085 13.49% 59972923 4.79%
15 808586 4.18% 702399 4.18% 448585 4.11% 71862 4.35% 24455 12.18% 52016221 4.16%
16 775846 4.01% 670640 3.99% 414304 3.80% 73373 4.44% 25479 12.69% 45492183 3.64%
17 807589 4.17% 697029 4.15% 435231 3.99% 73141 4.43% 26445 13.17% 45949714 3.67%
18 811484 4.19% 700826 4.17% 447659 4.11% 72472 4.39% 25338 12.62% 45820819 3.66%
19 758071 3.92% 647530 3.85% 432468 3.97% 66712 4.04% 19934 9.93% 44048372 3.52%
20 723770 3.74% 621685 3.70% 407471 3.74% 64765 3.92% 19630 9.78% 45484712 3.63%
21 824052 4.26% 716597 4.27% 468080 4.29% 65862 3.99% 21502 10.71% 51049801 4.08%
22 870644 4.50% 762282 4.54% 499906 4.58% 69551 4.21% 25245 12.57% 44959317 3.59%
23 938205 4.85% 822135 4.89% 554241 5.08% 71101 4.30% 27593 13.74% 49572618 3.96%
24 878337 4.54% 759347 4.52% 507068 4.65% 67301 4.07% 22555 11.23% 46521921 3.72%
25 220624 1.14% 184930 1.10% 150961 1.38% 16771 1.02% 9015 4.49% 11691902 0.93%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 30970 774273 4.00% 26480 662001 3.94% 18920 473002 4.34% 1939588 48489690 3.87%
1 28549 713742 3.69% 24931 623280 3.71% 17967 449193 4.12% 1829825 45745623 3.66%
2 28530 713253 3.69% 24963 624095 3.71% 18314 457868 4.20% 1851591 46289768 3.70%
3 26462 661560 3.42% 23020 575515 3.43% 16862 421558 3.87% 1792655 44816375 3.58%
4 26807 670175 3.46% 23507 587683 3.50% 16948 423720 3.89% 1862156 46553912 3.72%
5 27039 675979 3.49% 23893 597349 3.56% 17079 426992 3.92% 1907262 47681548 3.81%
6 27376 684406 3.54% 24174 604366 3.60% 16639 415982 3.81% 1905901 47647532 3.81%
7 28998 724973 3.75% 25417 635437 3.78% 17091 427279 3.92% 1932825 48320634 3.86%
8 32694 817365 4.22% 28747 718691 4.28% 18160 454013 4.16% 2151535 53788363 4.30%
9 36282 907066 4.69% 31795 794895 4.73% 19736 493412 4.52% 2293923 57348075 4.58%
10 37053 926346 4.79% 32324 808117 4.81% 20169 504228 4.62% 2347107 58677674 4.69%
11 37206 930169 4.81% 32459 811494 4.83% 20084 502105 4.60% 2415593 60389821 4.83%
12 34988 874710 4.52% 30084 752110 4.48% 19233 480834 4.41% 2237645 55941130 4.47%
13 35021 875530 4.52% 30431 760798 4.53% 18909 472726 4.34% 2235912 55897804 4.47%
14 36081 902044 4.66% 31384 784619 4.67% 19096 477407 4.38% 2338354 58458844 4.67%
15 35762 894052 4.62% 30695 767398 4.57% 18895 472390 4.33% 2233662 55841547 4.46%
16 35539 888475 4.59% 30618 765450 4.56% 18493 462336 4.24% 2216494 55412354 4.43%
17 34036 850903 4.40% 29133 728325 4.33% 17761 444033 4.07% 2192004 54800103 4.38%
18 32988 824707 4.26% 28438 710962 4.23% 17319 432981 3.97% 2125216 53130407 4.25%
19 32286 807166 4.17% 27957 698945 4.16% 17350 433753 3.98% 2089881 52247023 4.17%
20 32314 807862 4.17% 27943 698599 4.16% 17239 430984 3.95% 2089839 52245976 4.17%
21 33464 836621 4.32% 28973 724326 4.31% 17825 445641 4.09% 2103239 52580971 4.20%
22 32687 817196 4.22% 28193 704826 4.19% 18167 454186 4.17% 2017175 50429382 4.03%
23 30918 772971 3.99% 26498 662469 3.94% 17926 448164 4.11% 1949792 48744799 3.89%

Top 10 of 1339650 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F URL
1 2320413 11.99% 519396314 41.50% /news.atom
2 4194907 21.68% 298784215 23.87% /
3 765138 3.95% 48528823 3.88% /journaux.atom
4 190739 0.99% 31687834 2.53% /fonts/Lato-Regular.woff2
5 186412 0.96% 25664930 2.05% /assets/application-ea18d32113d34928f73c40c3e7e4aee7b5cc739bee5f9f08fb03d30b00343c90.js
6 181934 0.94% 17756525 1.42% /fonts/Merriweather-Regular.woff2
7 247945 1.28% 17677637 1.41% /assets/application-8fbb115c941e433d5cde17e12c376f77d92d2c4eac19d01e1414d617c4d2506f.css
8 695130 3.59% 12584157 1.01% /board/
9 116508 0.60% 7247214 0.58% /news
10 92275 0.48% 5536151 0.44% /journaux

Top 10 of 444641 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4194907 21.68% 410675 26.78% /
2 116508 0.60% 54919 3.58% /news
3 92275 0.48% 25296 1.65% /journaux
4 54740 0.28% 8708 0.57% /liens
5 7548 0.04% 6724 0.44% /users/pulkomandy
6 32118 0.17% 5676 0.37% /forums
7 7164 0.04% 4998 0.33% /board
8 5296 0.03% 4887 0.32% /users/benoitb
9 11791 0.06% 3863 0.25% /news/le-lama-dechaine-ou-la-nouvelle-campagne-de-soutien-financier-de-l-april
10 3740 0.02% 3293 0.21% /users/tisaac

Top 10 of 441919 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4194907 21.68% 373395 23.70% /
2 116508 0.60% 52403 3.33% /news
3 53914 0.28% 38177 2.42% /compte/connexion
4 92275 0.48% 25268 1.60% /journaux
5 54740 0.28% 11571 0.73% /liens
6 32118 0.17% 7001 0.44% /forums
7 7548 0.04% 6705 0.43% /users/pulkomandy
8 5296 0.03% 4877 0.31% /users/benoitb
9 7164 0.04% 4706 0.30% /board
10 11791 0.06% 4131 0.26% /news/le-lama-dechaine-ou-la-nouvelle-campagne-de-soutien-financier-de-l-april

Top 10 of 200818 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 622060 3.21% 621036 3.70% 42795621 3.42% 2 0.00%
2 504157 2.61% 501897 2.99% 6062489 0.48% 1 0.00%
3 430683 2.23% 420761 2.50% 12811378 1.02% 25 0.00%
4 367697 1.90% 367280 2.19% 17343326 1.39% 0 0.00%
5 281341 1.45% 266212 1.58% 6603184 0.53% 550 0.03%
6 213568 1.10% 213162 1.27% 15047708 1.20% 449 0.03%
7 196166 1.01% 179868 1.07% 4386992 0.35% 20 0.00%
8 168265 0.87% 158903 0.95% 3601100 0.29% 330 0.02%
9 151469 0.78% 25176 0.15% 694517 0.06% 45 0.00%
10 145365 0.75% 145215 0.86% 10263326 0.82% 791 0.05%

Top 10 of 200818 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 622060 3.21% 621036 3.70% 42795621 3.42% 2 0.00%
2 367697 1.90% 367280 2.19% 17343326 1.39% 0 0.00%
3 213568 1.10% 213162 1.27% 15047708 1.20% 449 0.03%
4 34938 0.18% 34938 0.21% 13617629 1.09% 0 0.00%
5 430683 2.23% 420761 2.50% 12811378 1.02% 25 0.00%
6 35550 0.18% 35382 0.21% 12551689 1.00% 31 0.00%
7 29123 0.15% 28506 0.17% 11179459 0.89% 2 0.00%
8 145365 0.75% 145215 0.86% 10263326 0.82% 791 0.05%
9 115759 0.60% 115675 0.69% 8174452 0.65% 656 0.04%
10 281341 1.45% 266212 1.58% 6603184 0.53% 550 0.03%

Top 20 of 258 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 19 4.71% phenomenal-one mail: @
2 15 3.72% elunxp mail: @
3 15 3.72% profanity mail: @
4 12 2.98% stupidnp mail: @
5 10 2.48% agriculture peter.panick mail: @
6 6 1.49% avikgandalf mail: @
7 5 1.24% https://linuxfr.org/users/carbon_kid/journaux/comment-charger-le-module-xvideo
8 5 1.24% xvideo
9 4 0.99% david gentikian
10 4 0.99% https://linuxfr.org/
11 4 0.99% https://linuxfr.org/forums/general-general/posts/un-site-peut-il-detecter-qu-une-capture-video-est-lancee-sur-le-pc
12 4 0.99% https://linuxfr.org/users/vincentd/liens/les-sites-pornos-gratuits-bloques
13 4 0.99% https://linuxfr.org/users/yellowiscool/journaux/pates-a-l-huile-d-olive-ou-au-beurre
14 4 0.99% https://solanaminty.com/
15 3 0.74% arch linux
16 3 0.74% direction bookworm.m mail: @
17 3 0.74% https://linuxfr.org/news/bien-debuter-avec-la-distribution-manjaro-linux
18 3 0.74% https://linuxfr.org/users/colargol/liens/decouverte-du-plus-grand-nombre-de-mersenne-premier-m136279841
19 3 0.74% https://linuxfr.org/users/joalland/journaux/deux-petits-problemes-de-math-niveau-lycee
20 3 0.74% https://linuxfr.org/users/usawa/journaux/renault-et-la-carte-r-link-2023-la-boulette

Top 15 of 12970 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 7352429 37.99% Mozilla/5.0
2 2225153 11.50% bingbot/2.0
3 1379989 7.13% Yahoo! Slurp
4 689945 3.57% GPTBot/1.2
5 680589 3.52% Go-http-client/2.0
6 525418 2.72% ImagesiftBot
7 445969 2.30% AhrefsBot/7.0
8 305992 1.58% NextCloud-News/1.0
9 281342 1.45% DotBot/1.2
10 197381 1.02% FreshRSS/1.24.3 (Linux; https://freshrss.org)
11 196174 1.01% AwarioBot/1.0
12 173514 0.90% SemrushBot/7~bl
13 168265 0.87% DataForSeoBot/1.0
14 151829 0.78% onlineCoinCoin/0.3.8
15 139678 0.72% DCoinCoin/2.4.0

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 30 of 180 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F Country
1 8869940 45.84% 8328824 49.57% 465802298 37.22% United States
2 5641548 29.15% 4415655 26.28% 492397078 39.35% France
3 868466 4.49% 690148 4.11% 77420306 6.19% Great Britain (UK)
4 697849 3.61% 645775 3.84% 24631516 1.97% Unresolved/Unknown
5 440264 2.28% 380006 2.26% 29659018 2.37% Germany
6 250292 1.29% 191473 1.14% 17228262 1.38% Belgium
7 222797 1.15% 202789 1.21% 20185857 1.61% Canada
8 208427 1.08% 199273 1.19% 7301952 0.58% Iran
9 182601 0.94% 156469 0.93% 3459178 0.28% Australia
10 176642 0.91% 105591 0.63% 15121071 1.21% Switzerland
11 142567 0.74% 132322 0.79% 9505196 0.76% Netherlands
12 136321 0.70% 120334 0.72% 4034732 0.32% China
13 132876 0.69% 29958 0.18% 3060832 0.24% Bulgaria
14 118750 0.61% 107869 0.64% 4612627 0.37% Ukraine
15 117215 0.61% 116304 0.69% 6147762 0.49% Saudi Arabia
16 93409 0.48% 75313 0.45% 4764413 0.38% Russian Federation
17 85100 0.44% 84514 0.50% 4297498 0.34% Moldova
18 84245 0.44% 76897 0.46% 8835932 0.71% Sweden
19 74827 0.39% 56283 0.33% 1029915 0.08% Argentina
20 69980 0.36% 60093 0.36% 3848571 0.31% India
21 64464 0.33% 53183 0.32% 2533243 0.20% Israel
22 57082 0.29% 54048 0.32% 2813441 0.22% Lithuania
23 54543 0.28% 48021 0.29% 4443742 0.36% Ireland
24 53109 0.27% 48315 0.29% 989722 0.08% South Africa
25 38431 0.20% 37326 0.22% 4169429 0.33% Brazil
26 34468 0.18% 32473 0.19% 618270 0.05% Honduras
27 33956 0.18% 25118 0.15% 2725149 0.22% Norway
28 30223 0.16% 26972 0.16% 4535900 0.36% Spain
29 27949 0.14% 5483 0.03% 519873 0.04% Finland
30 26648 0.14% 22705 0.14% 368691 0.03% Mongolia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23