Le livre a pour but d'aider les débutants à s'approprier JOnAS et à réaliser leurs premières applications. Les experts y trouveront aussi un ensemble de conseils et d'exemples de mise en production.
À noter que l'éditeur reverse une partie des revenus à la communauté dont l'auteur est issu. Voici le plan "provisoire" du livre :
Part 1 – Getting started with JOnAS
Introduction - JOnAS free application server
- Introduction to ObjectWeb? consortium
- Architecture of JOnAS application server and its components and conformance to J2EE spec etc.
- Brief introduction and history of JOnAS
- Brief introduction of other products (e.g. speedo, monolog etc.) from ObjectWeb? and the role played in J2EE application development
Install and configuration
- Install / building / running on Linux and Windows
- Licensing
- Demystifying configuration files
- Setting up a development & deployment environment
- Setting up eclipse for J2EE development
- Introduction to tools such as lomboz, jope, joffad etc.
- Testing the install using out of the box examples
Part 2 – Enterprise Application development
Data Access in J2EE Application
- OR/M
- DAO pattern
- Speedo, JORM
Business Logic
- Why and when to use ejbs etc.
- Session, Entity and Message Driven
- XDoclet to simplify development and avoid “meta-hell”
Generating presentation using Jonas
- Web container (Tomcat/Jetty)
- Model View Controller Architecture
- Infrastructure provided by Jonas to create web UI
- Struts to develop websites
- Velocity, jsp-jstl-jsf etc.
Packaging and Deployment (Stephane)
- Packaging J2EE application and components, Tools for deployment, Classloading, Deployment considerations
- Using ant to build and deploy apps
Transaction Management (Vikas)
- Understanding transactions (JDBC, Distributed, EJB), What is JTA, Configuring JTA, Programming JTA
- This chapter will focus on developing loosely coupled interfaces for application integration using JMS
- Java Connector architecture for application integration
- Java, XML and Web Services
Testing and debugging J2EE applications
- JUnit to improve quality via unit testing
- Monolog, P6SPY
Optimizing web application
- Tuning applications (jdbc pools, managing sessions, ejb tuning), Jonas server tuning, tuning JVM
Part 3 - Management, Security and Scalability
- Java security model, JAAS, SSL, Web application security, EJB security
- Mbeans architecture, accessing mbeans server & mbeans, Mbean notifications, Monitor mbeans
- MX4J
- High Availability Configurations
Part 4 - Sample & Case Study
Sample Application
Since the beginning of this book, we encountered lots of concepts and technologies . Now, it's time to conceptualize how we can use the same to build a real J2EE project. We will span development, packaging, deployment, performance tuning and scalability.
Case studies
Real life usage of Jonas application server
Aller plus loin
- Le livre et le chapitre (60 clics)
- Sourcebeat (16 clics)
- JOnAS (33 clics)
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