Forum Astuces.divers Linux et Tomtom Runner / Multi-sports

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Pour ceux et celles que ça intéressent voici un petit soft en ligne de commande assez simple à utiliser afin de gérer cette montre sous notre OS préféré.

Linux TomTom GPS Watch Utilities


Linux TomTom GPS Watch Utilities

Provides programs for communicating with TomTom GPS watches and processing the data they >collect.

1 ttwatch - USB communications program for performing various operations with the watch, >including downloading activity data, updating GPS data, and updating firmware.

2 ttbincnv - Post-processor allowing conversion of the ttbin file formats to either >(currently) csv, gpx, kml or tcx files, using broadly similar formats to the official TomTom >file formats.

3 ttbinmod - Post-processor allowing modifications to be made to the ttbin file. Currently, >adding/modifying lap markers and truncating the file at the end of the workout (last lap, >goal completion etc) are supported.

4 - script that enabled uploading to a MapMyFitness account that is >linked to a MySports account. Automatically converts the ttbin file to a TCX file before >uploading.

  • # Help

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    Ce petit soft a l'air top mais je suis un peu débutant sur tout ce qui est ligne de commande.
    Je veux bien un coup de main pour la procédure d'installation car là c'est un peu obscur.
    Merci d'avance.

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