Forum Linux.debian/ubuntu Boot with usb

Posté par  . Licence CC By‑SA.
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So I have dual boot, windows 10 and Linux mint 19.1. I install Linux and moved the iso file to my usb. Plugged in the USB and went into the boot menu and launched Linux and from Linix I begin to click on install Linux. I need help figurijg out how can I have Linux to boot up without using my USB. Right now it's the only way Linux boots up even though it's installed on my PC. Another questions how do I make it to where the grub menu boots first as soon as you power on.

  • # linuxFr not linuxIN

    Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

    Hello avid Sir,

    Both your questions are same, but you are on linuxFR not linuxIN.
    So, maybe you can ask a consultant to make the job for you if you feel not comfortable with the following online help:

    It may be better to procede a new reinstall without formatting your home partition, and select install bootloader/grub on the installation procedure

    • [^] # Re: linuxFr not linuxIN

      Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 3. Dernière modification le 03 janvier 2019 à 12:23.

      Je pense que c'est un spam, un message copié du web et recopié ici par un bot. Le même pseudo a ouvert plein de comptes récemment.

      Un LUG en Lorraine :

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