Forum Linux.débutant Debutant je suis incapable de comprendre comment installer un driver sous Mandriva LE2005

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Bonjour à tous,
J'ai installé hier une Mandrake LE2005 sans aucun problème. J'ai néanmoins des soucis sur quelques périphériques. Le plus ennuyeux est mon Dongle Wifi USB ATMEL qui est reconnu mais non fonctionnel ( je le vois dans le tableau de bord dans inconnu/autre). J'ai un CD constructeur avec les pilotes Linux mais je ne comprends pas comment arriver à les installer, voici ce qu'il raconte :=======================================================================

|PART A. Instructions.|

1. Configuration.
Run "make config" and answer a few questions. This will create
a .config file.

2. Build and installation
a. If a .config file exists then you need to do the following steps:

# make all
# make install

b. If a .config file does not exist, then you need to do the following steps:

# make realclean
# make config
After the configuration queries :

# make all
# make install

Remember to login as root or use "su" before installing the drivers.

3. RF Board Type?
There are several Atmel chips for PCMCIA and USB which can be combined with
a bunch of RF boards.
If you don't know what is the exact type of the board:
a. Just build and install everything.
b. Plug you PCMCIA or USB board in and look in /var/log/messages for more info
Then consult the following table.

USB (the product IDs below are Atmel's ones only !):

PID | Atmel chip | RF board | driver
7605 | 503A | RFMD | usbvnetr.o
7606 | 505 | RFMD | usbvnet5.o

( The 505 is currently not supported due to missing firmware.)

If no driver is loaded on plugging your USB adapter, check if the (vendor ID,product ID)
pair is already contained in any of the *_DEVICES defines in src/includes/usb/config.h.
If yes, build a driver for this RF board and try again.
If no, try to find out which RF board your adapter contains (look inside, check the FCC
pictures of the device, or try out all RF boards). Add your product / vendor ID pair in
the appropriate *_DEVICES define in the config.h file. Build and install again.
On success, please notify the developers at sourceforge to include the new IDs.


AT76C502AR_D | PCMCIA RFMD revision D
AT76C502AR_E | PCMCIA RFMD revision E
AT76C504 | PCMCIA RFMD 504

c. If you cannot find your device's ID in the above table's than try to get the
required information from the Manufacturer....

In order to use the ncurses based command line (lvnet) and the X windows (xvnet) applications
you must enable the
Wireless LAN (non-hamradio)
option inside the kernel (and of course if it was disabled to rebuild your kernel).
For help regarding the two tools try the corresponding man pages.

Alternatively: Get the wireless tools (iwconfig et al) and use them.

5. STARTUP Options Configuration.
In order for you to configure the startup options of your card ( PCMCIA or USB ) you follow
the steps below :

- Edit the ATMEL WIRELESS entry in
/etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts by adding your preferences
off channel, essid, encryption etc.
- Edit the /root/.vnetrc file by adding your preferences
of channel, essid, encryption etc.If you edit the
file in order for your settings to take effect you
have to uncomment the post-install entry in
/etc/modules.conf for the corresponding module.

6. Support.
For any questions use the sourceforge project's mailing list:

The homepage of the project is

|PART B. Known Issues|
USB drivers:(START)
The URB's going to the device are using the
Adapter->devreq->length field which on some platforms can cause
serious problems. This will be fixed very soon.

There is also a report for a deadlock in the initialization routine. We cannot
reproduce it so far.

There is a serious "conflict" with the usb-uhci driver and atmel's board which
leads to one problem. The system hangs :( .....
This never happens with the uhci driver.

USB drivers:(END)


Add support for different product and vendor ID's....

  • # eu

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.

    Ce que je comprend:

    ( bien sur a mon avis avant tout tentative il te faut les outils de developpement, sur mandrake et le kernel-source )

    Faire :
    -make all en utilisateur normal et si ca marche pas faire :

    -make realclean

    -make config

    et apres une fois tous ceci passer faire en root :

    -make install
    • [^] # Re: d'accord mais !!

      Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

      Merci beaucoup ! mais c'est quoi les outils de développement ? le kernel source ?

      Dur dur de commencer sous linux !

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