Forum Linux.général client DFS pour linux

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Je dois intégrer un client Linux Debian sur une architecture Win2003 proposant des partages via un DFS, alors sur winXP j'ai un script qui me connecte sur le DFS mais comment dois-je faire sur Linux?
Comment monter un partage DFS sur Debian?

Merci de votre aide.
  • # google et nous ...

    Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

    d'apres les qques recherches rapides que j'ai pu faire

    DFS est implementé dans Samba.

    et aussi :

    Want to use Microsoft's Distributed File System (Dfs)? Samba 2.2 makes it amazingly simple. Add a [Dfs] section to your Samba configuration file, create a directory for the [Dfs] share, and then create symbolic links for each Dfs junction.

    What about Single Sign-On (SSO)? Samba supports increased SSO support with the Winbind daemon, which works with PAM-aware services to integrate those services into a Windows NT 4 domain. (Keep in mind that Active Directory (AD) can and often does support NT 4 domains, and by extension, Samba and Winbind.) If you want to allow users to log into PAM-aware services such as Apache, FTP, or in-house applications, go right ahead.

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