Forum Linux.gentoo besoin d'un template de man.conf

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j'ai des petits avec ma commande man et en regardant un peu plus en détail j'ai remarqué que dans /etc/man.conf mon fichier était vide !!

c'est pourquoi j'aurais voulu avoir un template du fichier man.conf

Si quelqu'un pouvait me le founir cela serait gentil.

  • # Voici le mien

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.

    Bonjour, voici mon man.conf (man version 1.5P, Gentoo 2005.1):

    # Generated automatically from by the
    # configure script.
    # man.conf from man-1.5p
    # For more information about this file, see the man pages man(1)
    # and man.conf(5).
    # This file is read by man to configure the default manpath (also used
    # when MANPATH contains an empty substring), to find out where the cat
    # pages corresponding to given man pages should be stored,
    # and to map each PATH element to a manpath element.
    # It may also record the pathname of the man binary. [This is unused.]
    # The format is:
    # MANBIN pathname
    # MANPATH manpath_element [corresponding_catdir]
    # MANPATH_MAP path_element manpath_element
    # If no catdir is given, it is assumed to be equal to the mandir
    # (so that this dir has both man1 etc. and cat1 etc. subdirs).
    # This is the traditional Unix setup.
    # Certain versions of the FSSTND recommend putting formatted versions
    # of /usr/.../man/manx/page.x into /var/catman/.../catx/page.x.
    # The keyword FSSTND will cause this behaviour.
    # Certain versions of the FHS recommend putting formatted versions of
    # /usr/.../share/man/[locale/]manx/page.x into
    # /var/cache/man/.../[locale/]catx/page.x.
    # The keyword FHS will cause this behaviour (and overrides FSSTND).
    # Explicitly given catdirs override.
    # FSSTND
    # This file is also read by man in order to find how to call nroff, less, etc.,
    # and to determine the correspondence between extensions and decompressors.
    # MANBIN /usr/local/bin/man
    # Every automatically generated MANPATH includes these fields
    MANPATH /usr/share/man
    MANPATH /usr/local/share/man
    MANPATH /usr/X11R6/man
    MANPATH /usr/local/man
    MANPATH /usr/man
    # Uncomment if you want to include one of these by default
    # MANPATH /opt/*/man
    # MANPATH /usr/lib/*/man
    # MANPATH /usr/share/*/man
    # MANPATH /usr/kerberos/man
    # Set up PATH to MANPATH mapping
    # If people ask for "man foo" and have "/dir/bin/foo" in their PATH
    # and the docs are found in "/dir/man", then no mapping is required.
    # The below mappings are superfluous when the right hand side is
    # in the mandatory manpath already, but will keep man from statting
    # lots of other nearby files and directories.
    MANPATH_MAP /bin /usr/share/man
    MANPATH_MAP /sbin /usr/share/man
    MANPATH_MAP /usr/bin /usr/share/man
    MANPATH_MAP /usr/sbin /usr/share/man
    MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/bin /usr/local/share/man
    MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share/man
    MANPATH_MAP /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/X11R6/man
    MANPATH_MAP /usr/bin/X11 /usr/X11R6/man
    MANPATH_MAP /usr/bin/mh /usr/share/man
    # NOAUTOPATH keeps man from automatically adding directories that look like
    # manual page directories to the path.
    # NOCACHE keeps man from creating cache pages ("cat pages")
    # (generally one enables/disable cat page creation by creating/deleting
    # the directory they would live in - man never does mkdir)
    # Useful paths - note that COL should not be defined when
    # NROFF is defined as "groff -Tascii" or "groff -Tlatin1";
    # not only is it superfluous, but it actually damages the output.
    # For use with utf-8, NROFF should be "nroff -mandoc" without -T option.
    # (Maybe - but today I need -Tlatin1 to prevent double conversion to utf8.)
    # If you have a new troff (version 1.18.1?) and its colored output
    # causes problems, add the -c option to TROFF, NROFF, JNROFF.
    TROFF /usr/bin/groff -Tps -mandoc
    NROFF /usr/bin/nroff -Tlatin1 -c -mandoc
    JNROFF /usr/bin/groff -Tnippon -mandocj
    EQN /usr/bin/geqn -Tps
    NEQN /usr/bin/geqn -Tlatin1
    JNEQN /usr/bin/geqn -Tnippon
    TBL /usr/bin/gtbl
    # COL /usr/bin/col
    REFER /usr/bin/refer
    PIC /usr/bin/pic
    PAGER /usr/bin/less -is
    CAT /bin/cat
    # The command "man -a xyzzy" will show all man pages for xyzzy.
    # When CMP is defined man will try to avoid showing the same
    # text twice. (But compressed pages compare unequal.)
    CMP /usr/bin/cmp -s
    # Compress cat pages
    COMPRESS /bin/bzip2
    # Default manual sections (and order) to search if -S is not specified
    # and the MANSECT environment variable is not set.
    MANSECT 1:1p:8:2:3:3p:4:5:6:7:9:0p:tcl:n:l:p:o
    # Default options to use when man is invoked without options
    # This is mainly for the benefit of those that think -a should be the default
    # Note that some systems have /usr/man/allman, causing pages to be shown twice.
    # Decompress with given decompressor when input file has given extension
    # The command given must act as a filter.
    .gz /bin/gunzip -c
    .bz2 /bin/bzip2 -c -d
    .Z /bin/zcat

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