Abstract — This paper examines the basic concepts of virtualization taking into consideration five widely used Linux filesystems: Ext3, Ext4, ReiserFS, XFS, JFS. The performances of filesystems are compared on two different hypervisors, type 2: Oracle's VirtualBox and VMware's Workstation. The goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive comparison of the filesystem performances within each hypervisor, which will guide us to the proper hypervisors comparison.
The obtained set of the test results clearly indicates that for both examined hypervisors the ReiserFS ist he most efficient filesystem in the case of the extra small files workload. XFS is distinguished as the best FS when working with small files, while ext4 is just a step behind with solid performances. The most intrigant case is the workload based on the large files, where for the case of the VMware the most efficient filesystem is JFS.In the case of the VirtualBox the XFS and EXT4 have very similar performances, JFS is weak and performs just slightly better than ext3. In the case of the extra small files, the hypervisor VirtualBox has shown 20-50% faster operation than VMware. The results from the small files test have provided 17-35% better performances for Virtual Box, and 30-40% in the case of the large files workload.
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# Abstract et conclusion
Posté par deuzene (site web personnel) . Évalué à 4.
« Il vaut mieux mobiliser son intelligence sur des conneries que mobiliser sa connerie sur des choses intelligentes. »
[^] # Re: Abstract et conclusion
Posté par Nicolas Boulay (site web personnel) . Évalué à 4.
Quelqu'un a une idée du pourquoi VirtualBox est bien plus rapide que VMWare ?
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