eulmat a écrit 1 commentaire

  • # That's in the faq...

    Posté par  . En réponse au message Vim+latex-suite et é (hé hé hé :-). Évalué à 1.


    j'ai eu le même "problème" il y a qqs temps, et je l'avais résolu... en lisant la FAQ:

    << I cannot insert the e-acute (é) character! HELP! >>

    Insert the following line in your ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim file:

    imap <buffer> <leader>it <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine

    Replace <leader>it with any other key-sequence. This will make <leader>it key insert an \item command corresponding to the last opened environment in the current line in insert mode. The <M-i> key which is used for inserting the e-acute character will remain unmapped.