Journal [ OFFRE D'EMPLOI ]

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Red Hat France cherche un formateur à temps complet. Le poste est a pourvoir rapidement. Contact hoffmann_chez_rougechapeau_dot_com.
Voici un descriptif de poste que je laisse volontairement en anglais...

* Looking for a place to hang your Hat ?
Start a new career as:
- Red Hat Technical Training Instructor / France
- Location: Paris

* The respective candidate:
- teaches technical training courses in Red Hat's portfolio
- teaches public scheduled courses and onsite courses as required learns new courses as required and as appropriate to skillset
-updates all course materials provides technical input for course customisation.
- develops materials for onsites or new courses.
- assists in identifying instructor resources for short-notice or specialist courses
- assists with classrooms being suitably equipped and maintained
- ensures class evaluations are completed by all classes and entered into Review cycle
- gives feedback on any recommendations for raising awareness of Red Hat's training provision
- interfaces with other Red Hat customer facing staff on customer training requirements: meetings, presentations, recommendations

* Requirements:
- Expert in Unix/Linux skillset, able to become an RHCE within 30 days if not already qualified
- Ability to travel for 4-5 day teaching commitments elsewhere in SEMEA or rest of the world
- Self motivated and enthusiastic
- Ability to work as part of a young and dynamic team whilst demonstrating flexibility, autonomy and a desire to make things happen
- Native in French and fluency in English
- willingness to travel
- A desire to be part of the a company that is redefining the entire software industry

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