Journal Riposte contre SCO!

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Comme vous le savez tous, SCO a porté plainte contre IBM, concernant Linux. Et bien apparemment la riposte s'organise promptement! Jetez un petit coup d'oeil :
Bruce Perens donne aussi son avis :
  • # Re: Riposte contre SCO!

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.

    Muhahaha... l'appel de PCLinuxOnLine est vraiment mortel !.. Je le copie parceque c'est trop marrant ! ;-) PCLinuxOnline boycotts SCO SCO has sued IBM for supposedly incorporating UNIX intellectual property into Linux. The outcome of such a lawsuit can influence *ALL* distributions and use of Linux within at least the United States. We request the following from our readers until SCO stops this attack against the Linux community: * Do not purchase *any* product from SCO * Do not license *any* product or I.P. from SCO * Terminate (if possible) any contracts with SCO that might provide them funding. * Do not do business with, sell things to, assist, and/or cooperate with anyone working for, invested in, and/or currently funding in any way the SCO company. * If you choose to purchase a variant of UnitedLinux, do not buy it from SCO. * Submit any publicly available personal information you have on SCO executives and major share holders as news submissions. If it's legally public information, we'll gladly post who these people are and all that we legally can about them. * Organize any legal protests that you can outside their company and the homes of their executives and major stock holders. * Write to their legal team and politely ask them to consider dropping their client, SCO. * Linus, please deny SCO the right to the Linux trademark until they drop these suits and agree in writing to never pursue them again against any Linux vendor. * Stallman, please find some legal way to declare SCO in violation of the GPL and give that information to IBM. * IBM, please buy out SCO and take their so called UNIX intellectual property and make it public domain. Then terminate the employment of those who remained with SCO. * Scan for and intercept copies of any Internet-based SCO communications that are left unencrypted. Post anything of value on the Internet for all to see. Be sure to check with an attorney that the content is legal to post under these circumstances first. Basically, please do anything legally possible to impede SCO's business, revenue and lawsuit. Also, I've added some forums to support the War on SCO. We also invite any other free software and open source sites to join our boycott. If you would like to form a coordinated effort, please send us a note via our feedback link.
  • # Re: Riposte contre SCO!

    Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

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