Journal Un utilisateur de Gnome découvre windows !

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Yons ago, I actually used Windows95, so I thought I would "get it" when it comes to WindowsXP. My cousin accidentally had her menu shortcut to minesweeper moved to the desktop and couldn't get it back there. My six months on the Millennium Edition gave me the bright idea to remove the auto-arrange on the desktop, move the icon over, then drag it to the menu. This resulted in a NEW games subdirectory being created! Ok, I can fix that. So, I spend 3 minutes trying to figure out how to get to C:/. Unexpectedly, file:/// actually works on Windows! Unfortunately the "show hidden files" option is a, um, misfeature. After going through directory after directory of trying to locate where that menu folder was (and hitting the "Show these files" option every new directory). "Ok," I said, "I'll just see if I can find the editor in Control Panel." Did I? Yes, but it didn't have any actual editing options until I switched to "classic." I succeeded in...making another minesweeper link in the same D*ed games folder. I gave up on that REAL FAST. So, next, I try to edit individual menu items from the menu itself. Properties was a nice little joke; I wonder why it's really there (kind of like the "Quick View" of Windows 95. No, actually, that had a point, if you read binary/hex. But once the meaning of "explore" dawned on me, I finally got it...about 24 minutes since I began. At this rate, Microsoft's Windows product line won't be ready for Joe User for another 5 years. This is just further proof that the Closed Source revolution isn't going anywhere fast.

I had other thoughts, but that's the only thing I could remember (and I know you'd all love to read that one). I swear to root by it.

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