Bon je fais que relayer l'info. Y'a un chat prévu sur IRC avec les devs des pilotes ATI pour linux. C'est tout indiqué là:
Voila =) (ça fait un peu tard pour nous, mais bon... un geek ça dort? en plus, un geek ça fait le pont non?)
Journal chat avec ATI pour linux
# Upcoming Rage3D/ATI Linux IRC Chat
Posté par Mr_Moustache . Évalué à 7.
Ils l'ont porté sous Linux?!?
Thursday November 11th. It will start at 4:00PM EST and end at 5:00PM EST.
Eastern Standard Time (EST) = GMT-5
Le chat aura lieu entre 22h et 23h heure française si je ne m'abuse.
# 22h02
Posté par djibb (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.
[^] # Re: 22h02
Posté par nicodache . Évalué à 1.
merciiiii djibb ! :)
[^] # Re: 22h02
Posté par Krunch (site web personnel) . Évalué à 4.
pertinent adj. Approprié : qui se rapporte exactement à ce dont il est question.
[^] # Re: 22h02
Posté par djibb (site web personnel) . Évalué à 7.
-> une nouvelle version estampillée comme windows 8.08 pour decembre
-> support du 64 bit
-> support Xorg 9.8
-> pas de support prévu pour freeBSD
-> quelques efforts prévus pour l'OpenGL
-> un installeur est en cours de dev
-> ils sont 1 2 ou 3 a bosser dessus
-> le driver linux a le meme core que le driver windows
-> Si Linux devient une entité sur laquelle ils doivent compter, ils ne le feront pas à la va-vite. Ils sont plus intéressé par des developpement sur la longueur que sur des demandes au coup par coup : ils vont communiquer bcp plus sur les dev sous linux.
-> Pas de supports ppc
-> Pas de "bugzilla" pour la communauté : ils ne feront pas une liste uniquement "utilisateur final". *
-> A la question : pourquoi choisir ATI plutot que Nvidia : "Nous sommes leaders, nous avons deja fait de gros efforts avec nos drivers sous windows, nous avons la même passiosn et ferons de même pour Linux."
-> Comment aider :
Regarder dans linux/drivers et répondre a des "test" (euh j'ai pas tout compris la :) )
-> Le developpement sur de Power Management avance mais cela change assez vite sous linux...
* Je ne comprends pas pourquoi... ca serait tellement simple.
Sinon, voici la retransmission totale :)
*1minute pase*
Raaa !!!! j'suis dégouté... Ksirc ne m'a pas tout gardé... j'ai que le dernier quart de la discussion... dsl.
mtippet : un (LE) des dev sur le drivers.
ATI_Linux_Guys : les gars du marketing
R3D* : les modos de
<[R3D]Ratchet> QUESTION: How concerned is ATI about the effect the quality of it's linux drivers has on it's good name? This considering a lot of linux enthousiasts serve as a guide for less-technical friends and family in their purchasing decisions? And in this light, did ATI ever consider temporarily boosting the develment resources to bring the drivers up to par on 3d performance?
That is a PR question - Terry - Jon?
<[R3D]MrB> well Jon comes up with PR spin Ratch do you want to ask another question?
<ATI_Linux_Guys> You bet that we are both very concerned about anything that impacts the reputation of our software
<ATI_Linux_Guys> as such we will now adopt a more open approach to keeping the user community update on our Linux developments, as we regularly update the press on our progress in the same manner we do with our windows drivers
<ATI_Linux_Guys> In fact you will see more coverage on ATI's linux developments in the coming weeks at some of your favorite tech web sites and we will continue this trend moving forward
<ATI_Linux_Guys> stop
My response on the burst development. We are more interested in sustainable development than one-shot wonders, hence we want to ramp the team, but do it carefully.
<[R3D]Ratchet> QUESTION: is there a chance flgrx will switch to using the open (xorg/sfree86) DDX (2d Driver) and continue with the closed 3d driver? THere are already quite a few bugs that still affect the flgrx driver that have been fixed in the xorg ddx
<[R3D]Ratchet> QUESTION: is there a chance flgrx will switch to using the open (xorg/sfree86) DDX (2d Driver) and continue with the closed 3d driver? THere are already quite a few bugs that still affect the flgrx driver taht have been fixed in the xorg ddx
No. There are proprietary extensions that we can not fold into the Xorg release.
<[R3D]Ratchet> QUESTION: PPC Support? PPC is one of the primary platforms- especially with IBM pushing it. What support is planned for PowerPC on the binary drivers?
None at this stage.
<[R3D]Ratchet> Question: Will ATI setup a Bugzilla for all of us in the Open source community wanting to help crush bugs and give you huge amount of information on fixing the Linux Drivers to overtake the competition?
[R3D]Ratchet thinks that's one for Terry
No. Our bug list will contain not only user problems, but also p
<[R3D]Ratchet> QUESTION: Considering the fact the next release will be available for x86 aswell as x64, the amount of work to be done for each release will undoubtebly increase. will ATI employ additional resources for the x86x64 platform, or is this done with the same(sized) team?
Let me retract.
<[R3D]Ratchet> sure
No. Our bug list will include issues other than end user problems. We will not seperate into two lists.
Now the next question.
<[R3D]Ratchet> <BSD_Diffie> QUESTION: As a Linux users who is in market for new video hardware, why should i choose ATi and purchase a video card from you over nVidia?
Hold back Diffie's question...
HWolf's question first...
mtippett puts on the record
As true customer demand increases, resourcing will increase
mtippett turns off the record.
Diffies question.
[R3D]Ratchet is loosing control ;)
<[R3D]Ratchet> only a few questions left
<[R3D]ben6> We want to thank ati for joining us today. We have time for a couple more questions :). Thanks Terry and Jon and Matthew
<ATI_Linux_Guys> Because as THE market leader in graphics, with award winning hardware across all product lines.
<ATI_Linux_Guys> We have tackled our Windows driver problems of the past head on
<ATI_Linux_Guys> and not only overcome those problems, we are now setting an unprecedented pace in Windows drivers
<ATI_Linux_Guys> Innovations such as monthly releases, CCC, VPU recover, Smartgart, etc
<[R3D]ben6> which reminds me. Isn't it about time to see 4.11 for Windows? :)
<ATI_Linux_Guys> are all things we worked our a$$'S off to deliver
<ATI_Linux_Guys> and we vow that the same passion will go into our Linux drivers
<ATI_Linux_Guys> stop
<[R3D]Ratchet> QUESTION: What are the issues in supporting ACPI sleep states? I understand that this is still under very heavy development but it seems that restoring video state is the main problem at the moment. Are the future drivers being overhauled to support ACPI sleep and suspend?
We are working on our Power Management infrastructure, but as was mentioned, it is still evolving under Linux. I can't say when it will be in a truly supportable state.
<ATI_Linux_Guys> Last question of the session
<ATI_Linux_Guys> and then we have to sign off
<ATI_Linux_Guys> oh and ben CAT 4.11 is scheduled sometime between now and a week from now
<[R3D]Ratchet> ok, let me find a good one
<[R3D]Ratchet> <WhO_KnOwS> QUESTION: When will running several X session be supported, if it will be supported at all?
<[R3D]ben6> thanks terry :)
mtippett smiles at Who_KnOwS
It will be supported, but I don't have any firm dates.
<[R3D]Ratchet> ok then, that's it I guess.
<[R3D]Ratchet> thanks for your time guys
<[R3D]Ratchet> :)
<[R3D]dementor> Thanks for another solid chat
<[R3D]ben6> thanks for coming
<[R3D]MrB> it's not done
<[R3D]MrB> matt has a few end words to say
<ATI_Linux_Guys> I have a few words to say too
If people really want to help us solve our problems. Work with each other to create a test case.
If you can make the test case return 0 for return 1 for fail, then we can track it down easier.
Post it through rage3d Linux/Drivers for the moment... Watch this space for more information in the coming months.
<ATI_Linux_Guys> and from the Marketing/PR team, we want to thank Rage3D and all the mods, and you will be seeing more Linux related information in the coming weeks
<ATI_Linux_Guys> I know for a fact Jon is lining up some interviews on some tech sites
<ATI_Linux_Guys> so hopefully the information will get out to everyone
<[R3D]Ratchet> and Rage3D would like to thank Terry, Jon, and especially Matt for doing this with us today.
<ATI_Linux_Guys> and of course we all want to raise the quality of our Linux drivers to the next level
<ATI_Linux_Guys> Cheers everyone see you next time
Thanks guys
<[R3D]MrB> and stop pounding rage3d
<[R3D]MrB> what's up with that!!
<[R3D]MrB> lol
[^] # Re: 22h02
Posté par djibb (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.
(cool ces logs)
NB : qq'un a une idée d'ou vient la limitation de Ksirc ?
[^] # faites des tests
Posté par BAud (site web personnel) . Évalué à 3.
- tu lances une install'
- avec une configuration identifiée
- une fonction lance le test et analyse le résultat obtenu => renvoit 1 si échec, 0 si réussi (donc corrigé)
ça permet d'avoir des critères de reproductibilité : si t'es capable de le programmer, c'est plus précis que les "ah marche pas, ouiiinnn" ;-)
[^] # Re: 22h02
Posté par Mathieu Pillard (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.
Au final, rien de passionnant. Ils disent que ils vont bosser sur une tonne de trucs, mais on attend ca depuis un bout de temps...
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