Forum Linux.debian/ubuntu Miroir Debian avec debmirror en mode rsync

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Ça fait quelques temps que je n'arrive plus à synchroniser mon miroir debian en utilisant debmirror en mode rsync. Par manque de courage, je suis passé en mode FTP, mais là je voudrais réutiliser rsync parce que 1) c'est plus adapté et 2) il y a moyen de spécifier une bande passante maximale à utiliser.

Voici tout d'abord le script (assez simple) que j'utilise pour lancer la mise à jour :


cd `dirname $0`


update_from() {

opt="$debug --progress --nosource --arch=$arch"
rsyncopt="$opt --rsync-options=--bwlimit=$limite"

echo "------------------ create mirror for debian ------------------"
debmirror $destdir -v -e rsync -h $host -r :debian/ $rsyncopt --dist=$dist
# debmirror $destdir -v -e ftp -h $host $opt --dist=$dist



Et voilà le résultat de l'exécution de ce script dans mon miroir :

------------------ create mirror for debian ------------------
Mirroring to /media/usbdisk/debian from rsync://
Arches: i386
Dists: sid
Sections: main,contrib,non-free,main/debian-installer
Download at most 200 files per rsync call.
Attempting to get lock, this might take 2 minutes before it fails.
Get Release files.
remote_get rsync dists/sid/Release

Welcome to!

If you have questions, comments or complaints about this archive,
please notify Aurélien Beaujean <>.

*Note to mirrors*

Please contact me if you are a public mirror and you want to
regularly mirror from here and we will setup an ssh push signal.
The rsync service is currently open for all, but we may have to
restrict it if it is abused.


sent 60 bytes received 9 bytes 46.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
remote_get rsync dists/sid/Release.gpg

Welcome to!

If you have questions, comments or complaints about this archive,
please notify Aurélien Beaujean <>.

*Note to mirrors*

Please contact me if you are a public mirror and you want to
regularly mirror from here and we will setup an ssh push signal.
The rsync service is currently open for all, but we may have to
restrict it if it is abused.


sent 64 bytes received 9 bytes 48.67 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
gpg: AVERTISSEMENT: le propriétaire du fichier de configuration `/home/nicolas/.gnupg/gpg.conf'
est peu sûr
gpg: Signature faite le sam 22 oct 2005 22:10:08 CEST avec la clé DSA ID 4F368D5D
gpg: Bonne signature de « Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (2005) <> »
gpg: ATTENTION: Cette clé n'est pas certifiée avec une signature de confiance !
gpg: Rien ne dit que la signature appartient à son propriétaire.
Empreinte de clé principale: 4C7A 8E5E 9454 FE3F AE1E 78AD F1D5 3D8C 4F36 8D5D
Get Packages and Sources files and other miscellany.
Parse Packages and Sources files and add to the file list everything therein.
Cleanup mirror.
Download all files that we need to get (1851 MiB).

Welcome to!

If you have questions, comments or complaints about this archive,
please notify Aurélien Beaujean <>.

*Note to mirrors*

Please contact me if you are a public mirror and you want to
regularly mirror from here and we will setup an ssh push signal.
The rsync service is currently open for all, but we may have to
restrict it if it is abused.


sent 14388 bytes received 9 bytes 5758.80 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
pool/main/g/gnome-themes-extras/gnome-themes-extras_0.8.1-2_all.deb failed md5sum check
pool/main/g/gnome-think/gnome-think_0.1.4-3_i386.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnome-utils/gnome-utils_2.10.1-4_i386.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnomebaker/gnomebaker_0.5.0-3_i386.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnotepad+/gnotepad+_1.3.3-7.0.1_i386.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnucash/gnucash-common_1.8.10-19_all.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnucash/gnucash_1.8.10-19_i386.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnugo/gnugo_3.7.7-1_i386.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnuift/gnuift-doc_0.1.14-6_all.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnuift/gnuift-perl_0.1.14-6_all.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnuift/gnuift_0.1.14-6_i386.deb missing
pool/main/g/gnuift/libgnuift0-dev_0.1.14-6_i386.deb missing


pool/non-free/t/tads/tads2-dev_2.5.9-1_i386.deb missing
pool/non-free/t/tads/tads2_2.5.9-1_i386.deb missing
pool/non-free/t/tads/tads3-dev_3.0.8-1_i386.deb missing
pool/non-free/t/tads/tads3-doc_3.0.8-1_all.deb missing
pool/non-free/t/tads/tads3_3.0.8-1_i386.deb missing
Downloaded files in 27s
Failed to download files (2221 errors)!

Et j'ai "pool/main/........./machin.deb missing" pour tous les paquets à télécharger.

Autre test : si j'essaye de recréer un miroir tout neuf, il ne veut pas me télécharger les fichier Release et Packages.gz (debmirror crée les dossiers et les dossiers temporaires mais ils sont vides), et donc ça ne marche pas mieux. Voici la trace :

------------------ create mirror for debian ------------------
Mirroring to /media/usbdisk/test/debian from rsync://
Arches: i386
Dists: sid
Sections: main,contrib,non-free,main/debian-installer
Download at most 200 files per rsync call.
Attempting to get lock, this might take 2 minutes before it fails.
Get Release files.
remote_get rsync dists/sid/Release

Welcome to!

If you have questions, comments or complaints about this archive,
please notify Aurélien Beaujean <>.

*Note to mirrors*

Please contact me if you are a public mirror and you want to
regularly mirror from here and we will setup an ssh push signal.
The rsync service is currently open for all, but we may have to
restrict it if it is abused.


sent 60 bytes received 9 bytes 46.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
dists/sid/Release failed md5sum check
remote_get rsync dists/sid/Release.gpg

Welcome to!

If you have questions, comments or complaints about this archive,
please notify Aurélien Beaujean <>.

*Note to mirrors*

Please contact me if you are a public mirror and you want to
regularly mirror from here and we will setup an ssh push signal.
The rsync service is currently open for all, but we may have to
restrict it if it is abused.


sent 64 bytes received 9 bytes 48.67 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
dists/sid/Release.gpg failed md5sum check
Won't mirror without dists/sid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz signature in Release at /usr/bin/debmirror line 1187.
WARNING: releasing 1 pending lock...
Release signature does not verify.
Get Packages and Sources files and other miscellany.

Quelqu'un a une idée de ce qui pourrait être à l'origine de ce problème (qui est apparu il y a plusieurs mois) ?

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