Mutt 1.4 est disponible

Posté par  . Modéré par Fabien Penso.
Étiquettes :
La nouvelle version de mutt (un client mail pour les 2 qui ne le connaissent pas) vient de sortir.

Il y a tellement de changements depuis la dernière version 1.2.x que je vais simplement attacher le ChangeLog.

Happy mutt à tous. Visible changes since 1.2

Folder formats and folder access

- Better mh support: Mutt now supports .mh_sequences files.
Currently, the "unseen", "flagged", and "replied" sequences are
used to store mutt flags (the names are configurable using the
$mh_seq_unseen, $mh_seq_flagged, and $mh_seq_replied configuration
variables). As a side effect, messages in MH folders are no longer
rewritten upon status changes.

- The "trashed" flag is supported for maildir folders. See

- POP folder support. You can now access a POP mailbox just like an
IMAP folder (with obvious restrictions due to the protocol).

- URL syntax for remote folders. You can pass things like
pop://account@host and imap://account@host/folder as arguments for
the -f command line flag.

- STARTTLS support. If $ssl_starttls is set (the default), mutt
will attempt to use STARTTLS on servers advertising that

- $preconnect. If set, a shell command to be executed if mutt fails
to establish a connection to the server. This is useful for
setting up secure connections; see the muttrc(5) for details.

- $tunnel. Use a pipe to a command instead of a raw socket. See
muttrc(5) for details. (Basically, it's another way for setting
up secure connections.)

- More new IMAP/POP-related variables (see muttrc(5) for details):
$connect_timeout, $imap_authenticators, $imap_delim_chars,
$imap_peek, $pop_authenticators, $pop_auth_try_all,
$pop_checkinterval, $pop_delete, $pop_reconnect, $use_ipv6.

- The following IMAP/POP-related variables are gone:
$imap_checkinterval, $imap_cramkey, $pop_port.

- There's a new imap-fetch-mail function, which forces a check for
new messages on an IMAP server.

- The new-mailbox function was renamed to create-mailbox, and is
bound to C instead of n by default.

Character set support

- Mutt now uses the iconv interface for character set conversions.
This means that you need either a very modern libc, or Bruno
Haible's libiconv, which is available from

- With sufficiently recent versions of ncurses and slang, mutt works
properly in utf-8 locales.

- On sufficiently modern systems, the $charset variable's value is
automatically derived from the locale you use. (Note, however,
that manually setting it to a value which is compatible with your
locale doesn't do any harm.)

- $send_charset is a colon-separated list of character sets now,
defaulting to us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8.

- charset-hook defines aliases for character sets encountered in
messages (say, someone tags his messages with latin15 when he
means iso-8859-15), iconv-hook defines local names for character
sets (for systems which don't know about MIME names; see
contrib/iconv for sample configuration snippets).

- The change-charset function is gone. Use edit-type (C-e on the
compose menu) instead.

- The recode-attachment function is gone.

Other changes

- There's a new variable $compose_format for the compose screen's
status line. You can now include the message's approximate
on-the-wire size.

- The attachment menu knows about collapsing now: Using
collapse-parts (bound to "v" by default), you can collapse and
uncollapse parts of the attachment tree. This function is also
available from the pager when invoked from the attachment tree.

Normally, the recvattach menu will start uncollapsed. However,
with the new $digest_collapse option (which is set by default),
the individual messages contained in digests will be displayed
collapsed. (That is, there's one line per message.)

- Using $display_filter, you can specify a command which filters
messages before they are displayed.

- Using message-hook, you can execute mutt configuration commands
before a message is displayed (or formatted before replying).

- If you don't want that mutt moves flagged messages to your mbox,
set $keep_flagged.

- Setting the $pgp_ignore_subkeys variable will cause mutt to ignore
OpenPGP subkeys. This option is set by default, and it's
suggested that you leave it.

- $pgp_sign_micalg has gone. Mutt now automatically determines what
MIC algorithm was used for a particular signature.

- If $pgp_good_sign is set, then a PGP signature is only considered
verified if the output from $pgp_verify_command matches this
regular expression. It's suggested that you set this variable to
the typical text message output by PGP (or GPG, or whatever)
produces when it encounters a good signature.

- There's a new function, check-traditional-pgp, which is bound to
esc-P by default. It'll check whether a text parts of a message
contain PGP encrypted or signed material, and possibly adjust
content types.

- $print_split. If this option is set, $print_command run
separately for each message you print. Useful with enscript(1)'s
mail printing mode.

- $sig_on_top. Include the signature before any quoted or forwarded
text. WARNING: use of this option may provoke flames.

- $text_flowed. When set, mutt will generate text/plain attachments
with the format=flowed parameter. In order to properly produce
such messages, you'll need an appropriate editor mode. Note that
the $indent_string option is ignored with flowed text.

- $to_chars has grown: Mailing list messages are now tagged with an
L in the index. If you want the old behaviour back, add this to
your .muttrc: set to_chars=" +TCF "

- New emacs-like functions in the line editor: backward-word (M-b),
capitalize-word (M-c), downcase-word (M-l), upcase-word (M-u),
forward-word (M-f), kill-eow (M-d), tranpose-chars (unbound).

transpose-chars is unbound by default because external query
occupies C-t. Suggested alternative binding:

bind editor "\e\t" complete-query
bind editor "\Ct" transpose-chars

- mailto URL support: You can pass a mailto URL to mutt on the
command line.

- If $duplicate_threads is set, mutt's new threading code will
thread messages with the same message-id together. Duplication
will be indicated with an equals sign in the thread diagram.

You can also limit your view to the duplicates (or exclude
duplicates from view) by using the "~=" pattern.

Aller plus loin

  • # Merci pour le changelog... pas en francais :-(

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à -10.

    Ce n'est pas que j'ai des problemes pour lire l'anglais,
    mais je ne suis pas seul au monde,...
  • # Ca méritait de figurer dans les news principales

    Posté par  . Évalué à 7.

    sachant que Mutt est LE gestionnaire de courrier pour systemes UNIX (désolé pour les gnusiens) et que les moderateurs avait promis(?) la premiere page a Mozilla lorsque ce serait la 1.0 et non pas une Release Candidate. Or, on parle bien de Mutt 1.4 et non pas de la Releasce Candidate 1.3.99.
    D'un autre côté, on parle de Mutt 1.4 sur les mirroirs et pas encore sur, pourquoidon ???

    P.S. trollé : Les petits raleurs qui veulent le ChangeLog en Francais devraient savoir que malgré la loi Toubon, on peut pas vraiment faire de l'informatique sans connaître un peu l'anglais, vu que le plupart des termes techniques en sont originels et que leur traduction n'apporte que confusion en plus d'un certain ridicule (cédérom, mél, etc...)
  • # Y'en a pour tous les goûts...

    Posté par  . Évalué à 6.

    - $sig_on_top. Include the signature before any quoted or forwarded
    text. WARNING: use of this option may provoke flames.

    Je sens qu'une nouvelle version du .mutt-troll-rc s'impose...

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