Journal La novlangue fait son entrée dans Django

Posté par  . Licence CC By‑SA.


Il y a une semaine a été proposé en Pull Request sur le dépôt github du framework web Python Django le patch suivant :

#22667 replaced occurrences of master/slave terminology with leader/follower

The docs and some tests contain references to a master/slave db configuration.
While this terminology has been used for a long time, those terms may carry racially charged meanings to users.
This patch replaces all occurrences of master and slave with 'leader' and 'follower'

Celui-ci a été accepté (…)

Journal Justin Bieber Linux (Biebian) est sorti!

Posté par  (site web personnel) . Licence CC By‑SA.

It may be Justin Bieber Linux (also called Biebian), but it still beats Windows and Mac.
Biebian is not based off Debian or Ubuntu. It is based off Puppy Lucid 525, and that is part of the joke.
Also, this OS is a joke, inspired by Hannah Montana Linux. The idea began on 4chan's /g/. Anyone who takes it too seriously is retarded and needs to take a big shit.

C'est peut-être Justin Bieber Linux, mais il bat encore (…)