Trou de securite trouve dans le kernel 2.4 avec iptables connection tracking

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Tout est dans la news de la Mandrake security team

Mandrake Linux Security Update Advisory
Package name: kernel
Date: August 28th, 2001
Advisory ID: MDKSA-2001:071

Affected versions: 8.0

Problem Description:

A security hole was found in the earlier Linux 2.4 kernels dealing with iptables RELATED connection tracking. The iptables ip_conntrack_ftp module, which is used for stateful inspection of FTP traffic, does not validate parameters passed to it in an FTP PORT command. Due to this flaw, carefully constructed PORT commands could open arbitrary holes in the firewall. This hole has been fixed, as well as a number of other bugs for the 2.4 kernel shipped with Mandrake Linux 8.0

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