Forum général.petites-annonces offre de stage rémunéré - développement Web en perl "moderne"

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En bref on cherche un hacker perl expérimenté.
Ce qui suit est l'annonce officielle.

Merck-Serono, société pharmaceutique allemande implantée à Genève, recherche un stagiaire pour du développement web au sein du service de Bioinformatique.
Le stage est pour une durée minimale de 6 mois, et débuterait idéalement vers le mois de mars.
Il est à noter que le stage est rémunéré 1500 CHF par mois (~1200 euros), ou 1000 CHF + une chambre dans un logement Merck-Serono avec colocataires si disponibilité.

Voici le descriptif du projet:

Improving the management of Biomarker data


In Biomarker clinical studies, the tracking, checking, updating of biomarker data through all the
steps from sample reception, laboratory experiment analysis to statistical analysis is of paramount
importance. Moreover it has to be done in strict compliance with the corporate processes and
clinical regulations, requiring for instance that the DNA samples have to be double-coded (i.e. to
replace original ID with internal one) in order to protect the patients privacy.
The student will participate to the implementation of the following using the specified
architecture and development guidelines.

Samples and Data Management Information System

◦ manage collections of patients and samples
◦ samples inventory (physical location in local labs containers (fridges)) on multiple
◦ manages recoding/double-coding/external sample ids
◦ integrates study design
◦ experiment tracking - data dependency
◦ linked with external biobank system
◦ linked with Gecko, the Biomarker study management system

◦ will be built from scratch, integrating functionality and data from an existing system
◦ will have to fully understand and stick to the strategy of implementation
◦ based on a relational database
◦ will use the following technologies:
▪ modern perl (Moose)
▪ Catalyst web framework
▪ ExtJS javascript GUI
▪ DBIx::Class ORM
▪ eclipse IDE

Programming philosophy:
◦ test-driven (both internal and web-based). Tests are more valuable than the actual
◦ smart documentation
◦ separation of content and Business rules

Profile & Competencies:
· (on-going) degree in computer science or bioinformatics or equivalent
· experience with the project technologies or similar
· required inclination for collaborative development and good team player
· Good English writing level
· EU national

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