J'ai mis en ligne ce w.e. la version 0.2.2 de SWORD, une librairie C++ d'intérêt général. Voici un petit apperçu de ce que ça propose (extrait du site) :
SWORD is a general-purpose C++ library, which comes as a complement to ACE and for the GUI part QT in order to build high preformance, high quality, portable C++ software. It provides the developer with (major features only):
* Date/Time management,
* Command line management,
* Logging,
* Configuration files read / write / access,
* String and STL tools,
* Exception handling helpers,
* Smart Pointer,
* Database access,
* Very fast primitives types <-> string formatting / parsing
* Streaming framework,
* GUI: auto-completion input line,
* GUI: enhanced table for large and powerfull grids
SWORD is Open Source, released under the GNU LGPL. The library is classified as "Beta" because there are many features that are not yet stabilized or implemented before qualifying for a "1.0", but all documented features are stable and used in production in several critical applications (real time trading software for instance).
Journal [pub] Nouvelle version de SWORD
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