• # CC By-NC-SA ?

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 4.

    « Images copyright © 2000 by Cartography Associates. Images may be reproduced or transmitted, but not for commercial use. For commercial use or commercial republication, contact (…) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. By downloading any images from this site, you agree to the terms of that license. Users are expected to abide by all copyright laws. Distribution, reproduction, or other use requires the written permission of any copyright and other rights holders unless the materials are in the public domain or authorized by fair use or other statutory exemption. It is the user’s obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in this collection. For maps not in the public domain that we know are being sold by their makers, we do not allow downloading or printing and we attempt to provide a link to the maker's site in our metadata for the map. »

    (aussi pointé par la FAQ)

    Je ne suis pas persuadé qu'il y a ouverture/recréation de nouveaux droits sur une photographie (certes de bonne qualité) d'une carte du domaine public. C'est un sujet régulièrement discuté sur le blog S.I.Lex de Calimaq/L. Maurel.

    Ceci étant c'est un sacré boulot, et il est appréciable en termes d'accès aux cartes, physiquement ou numériquement :

    « The site is free and open to the public. Here viewers have access not only to high resolution images of maps that are extensively cataloged, but also to a variety of tools that allow to users to compare, analyze, and view items in new and experimental ways. »

    « David Rumsey has donated his entire physical map colltection to Stanford University where it is housed at the David Rumsey Map Center in the Stanford Library. The Rumsey Map Center is open to the public weekdays from 1-5pm and weekday mornings by appointment. Stanford also archives all of Rumsey's digital map collection in the Stanford Digital Repository. Rumsey continues to make his collection available online at www.davidrumsey.com »

    • [^] # Re: CC By-NC-SA ?

      Posté par  (site web personnel, Mastodon) . Évalué à 2. Dernière modification le 01 mai 2018 à 23:02.

      Dans le pied de page on y trouve un logo « some rights reserved » pointant vers une licence CC By-NC-SA 3.0. Merci pour tes éclaircissements !

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