xine-lib 1.0 beta 7-8
xine-lib (1-beta8)
* fix DVD highlight problems
xine-lib (1-beta7)
* libdvdnav updated to 0.1.6cvs: fixes a whole class of problems caused
by dvdnav being a bit ahead in the stream due to xine's fifos
* libdvdread updated to 0.9.4
* streaming of avi files (e.g. via http)
* experimental TiVo-like functionality using WinTV-PVR cards (pvr plugin)
* rtp input updated to latest API, and rewritten to handle arbitrary packet sizes, and both real RTP packets and a stream sent as raw UDP packets (common in IP-TV). RTP packet parsing not tested, and does not handle sequence counter. There's also a deadlock in many demuxers when trying to stop during a network timeout, xine has to be SIGKILLED in this case.
* dvaudio support
* stdin plugin fix (pause engine when there is no data available)
* .rm file reference handling bugfxi
* mute console output unless XINE_PARAM_VERBOSE is set
xine-ui 0.9.19
* deinterlace and aspect ratio from command line
(patch from Dan Dennedy <>),
* FreeBSD compilation fixes (patch from <>),
* main panel don't show 00:00:00 time when stream length is unknown (streaming),
* faster exit,
* smil playlist parser,
* handle new discoverer ASX playlist format (ASF ),
* construct better filenames for snapshots,
* need xine-lib beta5 (don't forward/get completion X event),
* support reference streams (useful with Qt trailers and many wrong urls),
* add menu widget (right click in video window),
* reuse ~/.xine/config file,
* new 'Ok' button in setup window (it save values and dismiss window),
* don't display engine status (upper left corner) when the engine is already started,
* fix XVidMode modeline deletion bug,
* fix a problem with xinerama fullscreen which caused the fullscreen to occur not always on the right screens
* do not save unsupported controls (hue, sat, etc) on config,
* fix image controls for latest SiS driver,
* fix root window mode (big thanks to XPenguins project, they same me a ton of investigations),
* .po updates (thanks to ALL translators), usual various bugfixes.
gxine 0.3.1
* make sure dialog widgets are not destroyed when closed
using the window manager's close button
* exit from fullscreen mode via ctrl-f is now possible
(simply pressing f still works)
* playlist repeat and random modes
* playlist add button
* multiple selections possible in file dialog
* filter out numlock / scroll lock / shift lock from key events
* fix dvd menu navigation keyboard shortcuts
(delete your ~/.gxine/keybindings for this to take effect)
* browser plugin bugfixes (make sure you run the setup wizard again
to have the new plugin copied to your ~/.mozilla/plugins)
* fix handling of verbose (-v) command line option
make sure multiple -v options are handled correctly (more verbosity)
* drag&drop support (drop files from nautilus on gxine for playback)
* javascript engine bugfix for ppc by manfred tremmel
* mediamarks import function
* implement deinterlacer setting
* subtitle channel selection moved to view menu
Journal Nouvelles de xine
# Re: Nouvelles de xine
Posté par seedeexeen . Évalué à 1.
[^] # Re: Nouvelles de xine
Posté par Infernal Quack (site web personnel) . Évalué à 5.
L'association LinuxFr ne saurait être tenue responsable des propos légalement repréhensibles ou faisant allusion à l'évêque de Rome, au chef de l'Église catholique romaine ou au chef temporel de l'État du Vatican et se trouvant dans ce commentaire
[^] # Re: Nouvelles de xine
Posté par kadreg . Évalué à 4.
Avec de la lessive
[^] # Re: Nouvelles de xine
Posté par kadreg . Évalué à 1.
[^] # Re: Nouvelles de xine
Posté par seedeexeen . Évalué à 1.
# Re: Nouvelles de xine
Posté par Adrien . Évalué à 7.
[^] # Re: Nouvelles de xine
Posté par William Steve Applegate (site web personnel) . Évalué à 4.
Un journal indiquant la sortie du biniou et les fonctionnalités marquantes ajoutées eut été très bien, mais le copier/coller du changelog c'est un peu lourd (je dis ça amicalement, hein, inutile de prendre la mouche :-)
Envoyé depuis mon PDP 11/70
[^] # Re: Nouvelles de xine
Posté par Sylvain Rampacek (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
[^] # Re: Nouvelles de xine
Posté par impulseisfree . Évalué à 2.
çà pourrait etre sympa quand meme, voir les dernieres versions des softs les plus important.
(freshmeat y'a un peu de tout quand meme)
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