Je savais pas moi non plus mais apparemment c'est une nouvelle archi PPC :
Introducing the Alternative Computer, the PEGASOS PLATFORM(tm).
Combining the industry leading power of the PowerPC? processor from IBM and Motorola, with the know-how of Genesi, the Pegasos is the premium Alternative Computing solution for both personal and business applications.
The Pegasos ships with both the slim MorphOS? and the powerful Debian GNU/Linux? operating systems, providing you with a choice to fit your specific needs. Combining real world performance, a small size, low noise and minimal power consumption, the Pegasos is capable of fitting into a myriad of applications, from embedded kiosks to desktop computers, from set top boxes to network servers with ease. The flexibility of this new platform has created a feeling of enthusiasm for developers, which is providing new choices and capabilities for software, drivers, operating systems, and so on. The latest revision of the architecture has brought enhanced capabilities such as gigabit ethernet as well as new software for both professional audio and graphics production. The Pegasos architecture is expanding to new fields, with new products already in the middle to late development cycle for such things as set top boxes and portable solutions.
The Pegasos - prepared for today, poised for tomorrow!
J'ai eu l'occasion de tester la chose il y'a un an presque pile, et heu, effectivement, je suis de l'avis de ce cher Theo.
En gros, "je" trouve que ca n'apporte rien (c'est mon avis hein :), l'OS en lui meme est assez moche (ce n'est qu'un jugement de l'UI en elle meme, j'ai pas eu le loisir de coder dessus), c'est cher, et il n'ya aucune killer app. Le port de Quake2 que j'ai vu tourner dessus etait loin d'impressionner qui que ce soit, il y'a un an :)
Non vraiment, c'est plus un delire de passionnés qui essaye de vendre leur bébé, mais c'est pas pres pour le desktop ;)
(a noter l'emulation 68k en hard, inutile, juste la pour le fun.)
# Re: Pegasos
Posté par cozon (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.
[^] # Re: Pegasos
Posté par Prae . Évalué à 1.
Introducing the Alternative Computer, the PEGASOS PLATFORM(tm).
Combining the industry leading power of the PowerPC? processor from IBM and Motorola, with the know-how of Genesi, the Pegasos is the premium Alternative Computing solution for both personal and business applications.
The Pegasos ships with both the slim MorphOS? and the powerful Debian GNU/Linux? operating systems, providing you with a choice to fit your specific needs. Combining real world performance, a small size, low noise and minimal power consumption, the Pegasos is capable of fitting into a myriad of applications, from embedded kiosks to desktop computers, from set top boxes to network servers with ease. The flexibility of this new platform has created a feeling of enthusiasm for developers, which is providing new choices and capabilities for software, drivers, operating systems, and so on. The latest revision of the architecture has brought enhanced capabilities such as gigabit ethernet as well as new software for both professional audio and graphics production. The Pegasos architecture is expanding to new fields, with new products already in the middle to late development cycle for such things as set top boxes and portable solutions.
The Pegasos - prepared for today, poised for tomorrow!
[^] # Re: Pegasos
Posté par Jylam / jylam.lnxsce (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
En gros, "je" trouve que ca n'apporte rien (c'est mon avis hein :), l'OS en lui meme est assez moche (ce n'est qu'un jugement de l'UI en elle meme, j'ai pas eu le loisir de coder dessus), c'est cher, et il n'ya aucune killer app. Le port de Quake2 que j'ai vu tourner dessus etait loin d'impressionner qui que ce soit, il y'a un an :)
Non vraiment, c'est plus un delire de passionnés qui essaye de vendre leur bébé, mais c'est pas pres pour le desktop ;)
(a noter l'emulation 68k en hard, inutile, juste la pour le fun.)
[^] # Re: Pegasos
Posté par Larry Cow . Évalué à 2.
Enfin, ça ou un mac...
[^] # Re: Pegasos
Posté par Anonyme . Évalué à 2.
[^] # Re: Pegasos
Posté par rico5b7ac . Évalué à 2.
(vieux nostalgique en manque)
# Re: Pegasos
Posté par ckyl . Évalué à 6.
Bon jusque la c'etait credible....
[^] # Re: Pegasos
Posté par Lafrite . Évalué à 6.
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