Summer's here, and the time is right for a new release of Slackware (so start dancin')! As always, thanks to the many dozens of people who contributed during this development cycle to help make this the best release of Slackware ever.
Highlights of the 10.0 release include
GCC 3.3.4 (with GCC 3.4.0 as an alternate in /testing),
the Linux 2.4.26 kernel (with Linux 2.6.7 as an alternate choice in /testing),
X11R6.7.0 from X.Org,
Mozilla 1.7,
GNOME 2.6.1,
and KDE 3.2.3.
Of course, there are many more improvements than can be listed here (considering that the ChangeLog has grown more than 2000 lines since the last release).
Journal Slackware 10.0 is released!
# Isos
Posté par Stephane COLIN (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
[^] # Re: Isos
Posté par SoWhat . Évalué à 4.
[^] # Re: Isos
Posté par Stephane COLIN (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
[^] # Re: Isos
Posté par Calim' Héros (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.
Enfin faut peut etre leur laisser le tps de mettre a jour le mirroir.
J'avais pas remarqué, il propose des lient BitTorrent aussi
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