Journal Free Software Magazine #2

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Le numéro 2 du FreeSoftware Magazine est disponible sur le web (au format pdf et librement téléchargeable).

C'est vraiment un bon mag qui AMHA mèle harmonieusement les articles techniques et les articles généraux sur le libre et sa philosophie.
Dommage qu'il n'existe pas un équivalent en français disponible sur le net.

le sommaire :

Your part-time job 7
The trials and tribulations of being a “computer person”

The history and future of SMTP 10
by Kirk Strauser
SMTP’s adaptations to a hostile internet

Filtering spam with postfix 13
by Kirk Strauser
Effective ways to reduce unwelcome mail

Mail servers: resolving the identity crisis 18
by John Locke
How to get Dspam, Postfix, and Procmail to play well Together


Poking at iTunes 27
by Chris J. Karr
A developer’s guide to the iTunes platform

Why free IT management tools are gaining traction 34
by Will Winkelstein
Enterprises are increasingly receptive to free software alternatives for IT management

Case study: Mythic Beasts 37
by Tony Mobily
A small company specialised in Linux servers and amazing support

Interview with Bernhard Reiter at aKademy 40
by Tom Chance
What we can do to promote the future of free software

Hard passwords made easy 43
by John Locke
Creating strong memorable passwords using mnemonic devices and word lists


The FUD-based Encyclopedia 49
by Aaron Krowne
Dismantling fear, uncertainty, and doubt, aimed at Wikipedia and other free knowledge resources

Guerrilla marketing 57
by Tom Chance
Part one: promoting community projects in the marketplace

A law for free software 63
by Maureen O’Sullivan
Don’t we have enough laws already?

The Libre Culture Manifesto 67
by David M. Berry, Giles Moss
A manifesto for free/libre culture

Richard Stallman’s blog 73
by Richard Stallman
Selected entries from Richard’s blog (, from November 2004 to December 2004

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