merci, je connaissais, j'ai regardé tout les softs ce qui fut long et éprouvant, pas beaucoup de choix et pour cause:
"There are a number of reasons why many CMS's aren't featured at The main reason being we only deal with php/mysql systems. If it's not php/mysql it won't be featured here. Also, if the system requires php5 it won't be featured here, yet."
Posté par Colargol . Évalué à 4.
- Wheatblog :
- PunBB :
[^] # Re:
Posté par Z_Angel . Évalué à 2.
"There are a number of reasons why many CMS's aren't featured at The main reason being we only deal with php/mysql systems. If it's not php/mysql it won't be featured here. Also, if the system requires php5 it won't be featured here, yet."
Mais je vais regarder Wheatblog plus en détails.
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