Forum général.général je suis un rapporteur.... ok ok

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2004 reports that California's Governator has signed a new "anti-piracy" law. "California file sharers who trade songs or films without providing an e-mail address will be guilty of a misdemeanor, under the first-in-the-nation measure that could make it easier for law enforcement to track down people who illegally download copyrighted material." One need not stretch things that far to envision a world where distribution of software cannot be (legally) done without prior registration.

What a charming man this governator... presque terminator...

from lwn...
  • # ...

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 0.
  • # hé hé hé

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.

    > "without providing an e-mail address"

    ils ont pas dit "valid" ton email ;-) ni même "personnel"

    du moins, pas dans ta version ;-)

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