Forum Linux.débutant Core pointer et Send core events

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Salut à tous,

Voici un petit extrait de mon fichier Xorg.conf:
InputDevice "Mouse2" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Mouse1" "SendCoreEvents"

Pouvez vous m'expliquer que signifie CorePointer et SendCoreEvent ?
A quel moment utiliser l'un ou l'autre ?

Merci d'avance.
  • # google est ton ami...

    Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

    vu que ca se trouve dans le fichier xorg.conf

    un petit man xorg.conf dans google me donne

    qui dit

    Option "CorePointer"
    When this is set, the input device is installed as the core (primary) pointer device. There must be exactly one core pointer. If this option is not set here, or in the ServerLayout section, or from the -pointer command line option, then the first input device that is capable of being used as a core pointer will be selected as the core pointer. This option is implicitly set when the obsolete Pointer section is used.

    Option "CoreKeyboard"
    When this is set, the input device is to be installed as the core (primary) keyboard device. There must be exactly one core keyboard. If this option is not set here, in the ServerLayout section, or from the -keyboard command line option, then the first input device that is capable of being used as a core keyboard will be selected as the core keyboard. This option is implicitly set when the obsolete Keyboard section is used.

    Option "AlwaysCore" "boolean"
    Option "SendCoreEvents" "boolean"
    Both of these options are equivalent, and when enabled cause the input device to always report core events. This can be used, for example, to allow an additional pointer device to generate core pointer events (like moving the cursor, etc).

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