Les LastJeudi de Montpellier, jeudi 31 juillet 2003

Posté par  . Modéré par Jaimé Ragnagna.
Étiquettes :
Le prochain LastJeudi de Montpellier aura lieu le Jeudi 31 Juillet à La Brasserie du Triolet.

Celle-ci se trouve rue du Triolet, en face de l'arrêt de Tram « Université des Sciences et des Lettres ». Le rendez-vous est fixé à partir de 20 heures. Nous y parlerons du Libre bien entendu, mais aussi des brevets, de la vente liée, des distributions linux, de solutions innovantes à base de logiciels libres, et en fait de toutes les questions qui ont trait à l'open source en général.

ALL (Association pour le Logiciel Libre) profitera des ce LastJeudi pour annoncer l'ouverture officielle de son nouveau site.

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  • # Re: Les LastJeudi de Montpellier, jeudi 31 juillet 2003

    Posté par  . Évalué à -2.

    c'est dans quel arrondissement montpellier?
  • # Problème sur le site LastJeudi ?

    Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

    Voici ce que j'obtiens lorsque je clique sur http://www.lastjeudi.org(...) :

    $juliandate = (((((((-0.00071 * $y) - 0.00111) * $y) + 0.06134) * $y) + 365242.1374) * $y) + 1721139.29189; } else if ($season == "SUMMERSOLSTICE") { $juliandate = ((((((( 0.00025 * $y) + 0.00907) * $y) - 0.05323) * $y) + 365241.72562) * $y) + 1721233.25401; } else if ($season == "AUTUMNALEQUINOX") { $juliandate = ((((((( 0.00074 * $y) - 0.00297) * $y) - 0.11677) * $y) + 365242.49558) * $y) + 1721325.70455; } else if ($season == "WINTERSOLSTICE") { $juliandate = (((((((-0.00006 * $y) - 0.00933) * $y) - 0.00769) * $y) + 365242.88257) * $y) + 1721414.39987; } } elseif (($year > 1000) && ($year <= 3000)) { $y = ($year - 2000) / 1000; if ($season == "VERNALEQUINOX") { $juliandate = (((((((-0.00057 * $y) - 0.00411) * $y) + 0.05169) * $y) + 365242.37404) * $y) + 2451623.80984; } else if ($season == "SUMMERSOLSTICE") { $juliandate = (((((((-0.0003 * $y) + 0.00888) * $y) + 0.00325) * $y) + 365241.62603) * $y) + 2451716.56767; } else if ($season == "AUTUMNALEQUINOX") { $juliandate = ((((((( 0.00078 * $y) + 0.00337) * $y) - 0.11575) * $y) + 365242.01767) * $y) + 2451810.21715; } else if ($season == "WINTERSOLSTICE") { $juliandate = ((((((( 0.00032 * $y) - 0.00823) * $y) - 0.06223) * $y) + 365242.74049) * $y) + 2451900.05952; } } return ($juliandate); } // end func dateSeason } // end class Date_Calc ?>
    • [^] # Re: Problème sur le site LastJeudi ?

      Posté par  . Évalué à 3.

      Oui desole, mais nous mettons en place un Wiki, pour pouvoir continuer les discutions apres les LastJeudi.

    • [^] # Re: Problème sur le site LastJeudi ?

      Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

      Pareil pour moi, avec un petit message sympa en plus :

      or the requested data * * @access public */ function getListOf($type) { $sql = $this->getSpecialQuery($type); if ($sql === null) { // No support return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED); } elseif (is_int($sql) || DB::isError($sql)) { // Previous error return $this->raiseError($sql); } elseif (is_array($sql)) { // Already the result return $sql; } return $this->getCol($sql); // Launch this query } // }}} // {{{ getSequenceName() function getSequenceName($sqn) { return sprintf($this->getOption("seqname_format"), preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]/i', '_', $sqn)); } // }}} } // Used by many drivers if (!function_exists('array_change_key_case')) { define('CASE_UPPER', 1); define('CASE_LOWER', 0); function &array_change_key_case(&$array, $case) { $casefunc = ($case == CASE_LOWER) ? 'strtolower' : 'strtoupper'; $ret = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $ret[$casefunc($key)] = $value; } return $ret; } } ?>e uploaded by" => "new image uploaded by", "uploaded by" => "uploaded by", "new item in tracker" => "new item in tracker", "new subscriptions" => "new subscriptions", "not specified" => "not specified", "Home" => "Home", "New message arrived from " => "New message arrived from ", "NONE" => "NONE", "Newsletter subscription information at " => "Newsletter subscription information at ", "Welcome to " => "Welcome to ", "Bye bye from " => "Bye bye from ", " at " => " at ", "You can unsubscribe from this newsletter following this link" => "You can unsubscribe from this newsletter following this link", "Wiki top pages" => "Wiki top pages", "Wiki last pages" => "Wiki last pages", "Forums last topics" => "Forums last topics", "Topic date" => "Topic date", "Forums most read topics" => "Forums most read topics", "Forums best topics" => "Forums best topics", "Forums most visited forums" => "Forums most visited forums", "Forums with most posts" => "Forums with most posts", "Wiki top galleries" => "Wiki top galleries", "Wiki top file galleries" => "Wiki top file galleries", "Wiki top images" => "Wiki top images", "Wiki top files" => "Wiki top files", "Wiki last images" => "Wiki last images", "Upload date" => "Upload date", "Wiki last files" => "Wiki last files", "Wiki top articles" => "Wiki top articles", "Most active blogs" => "Most active blogs", "Blogs last posts" => "Blogs last posts", "Post date" => "Post date", "Wiki top authors" => "Wiki top authors", "Top article authors" => "Top article authors", "Tracker was modified at " => "Tracker was modified at ", "Displays the user Avatar" => "Displays the user Avatar", "Insert theme styled box on wiki page" => "Insert theme styled box on wiki page", "Insert list of items for the current/given category into wiki page" => "Insert list of items for the current/given category into wiki page", "Categories are disabled" => "Categories are disabled", "Category content" => "Category content", "Centers the plugin content in the wiki page" => "Centers the plugin content in the wiki page", "Displays a snippet of code.\nSet optional paramater -+ln+- to 1 if you need line numbering feature." => "Displays a snippet of code.\nSet optional paramater -+ln+- to 1 if you need line numbering feature.", "Insert copyright notices" => "Insert copyright notices", "Displays a graphical GAUGE" => "Displays a graphical GAUGE", "Displays a module inlined in page" => "Displays a module inlined in page", "Sorry no such module" => "Sorry no such module", "Please choose a module" => "Please choose a module", "to be used as argument" => "to be used as argument", "Missing db param" => "Missing db param", "Renders a graph" => "Renders a graph", "There is an error in the plugin data" => "There is an error in the plugin data", "##end###" => "###end###"); ?> $retval = Array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } } $histlib= new HistLib($dbTiki); ?>

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