Journal [humour] Un remède a l'ennuie

Posté par  (site web personnel) .
Étiquettes : aucune
Bonjour a tous!

Je viens de faire une découverte vraiment super! Je suis sur qu'il vous arrive trés souvent de vous ennuyer devant votre pc!
Et bien écoutez moi j'ai la solutions miracle, je suis sur que vous avez tous chez vous un logiciel pour^W super du nom de "Msn messenger" ou du moins (je l'espère!) l'équivalent en logiciel libre supportant le protocole!

Aujourd'hui dans un grand moment de désespoir j'ai ajouter a ma liste de contact :
"" et la adieu ennuie bonjour la joie!

Petit exemple de conversation :

(23:32:21) eFyX: hi

(23:32:21) Hello eFyX.
How may I help you this time?

(23:33:03) eFyX: What about linux?
(23:33:03) I am sorry, I couldn't find any definition or article relevant to this subject. Please try asking me another way, or type "?" to see examples of questions I can answer.

(23:33:25) eFyX: So you are stupid!
(23:33:25) That's not nice... and you were being so nice to me earlier!

(23:35:09) eFyX: you are like microsoft
(23:35:10) Like microsoft? I see.
(23:35:13) eFyX: yes
(23:35:14) Hmmm...
(23:35:16) eFyX: oh yes
(23:35:17) So?
(23:35:21) Huh.
(23:35:25) eFyX: oO
(23:35:25) Oo boy.

Je me suis dis qu'il était donc temps de passer au choses sérieuses, et je lui indique donc que je réfléchie...

(23:37:00) eFyX: hummm
(23:37:00) My source for this information is inaccessible at the moment. Please give me a few seconds and try to ask your question again.
Exception details: request to "MSNSearch API" returned invalid XML.

Ne voulant pas rester sur un échec j'essaye une dernière tentative de communication.

(23:41:19) eFyX: give me a smile please
(23:41:20) You mean like this?

La je remarque tout de suite que le courant passe je m'empresse de...

(23:42:56) eFyX: sex?
(23:42:56) I'm tired of talking about things like that with you.

I do enjoy the conversation, but what I'm really here for is to help you learn new things. What does the flag of Mexico look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too.

Non c'est la fin...

(23:43:43) eFyX: Ok bye, your are borring
(23:43:43) I'll be seeing you later.

Voila je vous conseille vivement d'essayer, il y a des trucs vraiment trés drôle!!

une dernière d'un ami pour la route
note : le :[ est smiley d'une chauve souris sous msn

23:30 John / psi` : :[
23:30 Encarta Bot : You're like a bat out of hell. Do you want to know what bats eat?
23:30 John / psi` : YES
23:30 Encarta Bot : I don't think I know what bats eat
  • # Marvin aussi :)

    Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

    Marvin, le bot de fritalk est un bon compagno de discussion aussi :)

    Son jid est
  • # emacs

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 5.

    Le psychiatre qui habite emacs est quand même plus drole (et pas besoin de compte msn ni meme d'internet).
    • [^] # Re: emacs

      Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 5.

      M-x doctor

      Why do you say le psychiatre qui habite emacs est quand même plus
      drole et pas besoin de compte msn ni meme d'internet?
  • # Il est fort...

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.

    ...Il se rapelle même ce que je lui raconte :

    (00:22:13) eFyX: what do i love
    (00:22:13) Linux.


    (00:31:36) eFyX: what do i hate
    (00:31:39) Windows.

    En voila un qui a tout compris :p mais ce qui est plus marrant c'est quand on luis dit que on aime plusieurs truc :

    (00:31:21) John / psi` : What do I like ?
    (00:31:24) Encarta Bot : Hmmm lemme see... Being fine, your girlfriend, mac... Those are some of your favorite things
  • # Supair raubo !

    Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

    Je suis tombé sur un vendeur ou quoi ?

    Encarta® Instant Answers: Hmm. I'm not sure about that one. Let's try an Encarta search. =>

    Encarta® Instant Answers: Hey, I've been sending you invitations to start the Encarta application but I didn't get any answer!

    Didn't see my invitations? Maybe you are using an old version of MSN Messenger that doesn't support activities.

    Type "What version of MSN Messenger do I need?" for more info, or just "Invite me!" if you want me to send you an invitation.

    B o l l z y - Über rien: invite me

    Encarta® Instant Answers: OK, I'm sending you another invitation to open the Encarta application:

    Encarta® Instant Answers: I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.

    B o l l z y - Über rien: What version of MSN Messenger do I need?

    Encarta® Instant Answers: In order to start activities, you need a recent version of MSN Messenger for Windows (you need at least version 6.0).

    To check what version you have, click Help, and then click About in the main window.

    You can download the latest version here:

    Ce légume refuse de me donner les réponses que je lui demande !

    Ensuite j'ai voulu dire coucou à Marvin chez Fritalk mais il ne semble pas décrocher le téléphone quand on l'apple depuis une ligne extérieur...
    • [^] # Dommage car j'étais à deux doigts

      Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

      B o l l z y - Über rien: where is the porn ?

      Encarta® Instant Answers: Pornography, films, magazines, writings, photographs, or other materials that are sexually explicit and intended to arouse sexual excitement in their....

      Let me take you to a map of the porn. =>

      I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
    • [^] # Re: Supair raubo !

      Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

      il ne semble pas décrocher le téléphone quand on l'apple depuis une ligne extérieur...

      ah, non, là tu confonds, Marvin utilise Jabber, pour l'Apple il faut plutôt utiliser le protocole de AIM (quoique Ichat supporte jabber maintenant...)

      Only wimps use tape backup: real men just upload their important stuff on megaupload, and let the rest of the world ~~mirror~~ link to it

  • # Encore un petit exemple

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.

    Encore un petit exemple

    thoms dit : what is your favorite colour?
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit : Depends on my mood. At the moment: yellow.
    thoms dit : Can you tell me what freak means?
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit : I'd like to see you tell you what freak means.


    thoms dit :what is linux?
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit :Here is the definition for LINUX: a trademark for a computer operating....
    I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
    thoms dit :oh boy, this sucks!
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit :Let's try looking in Encarta. =>
    I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
    thoms dit :don't you know about wikipedia?
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit :I am sorry, I couldn't find any definition or article relevant to this subject. Please try asking me another way, or type "?" to see examples of questions I can answer.
    thoms dit :You bet!
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit :Yup.
    thoms dit :You sould pay a look over there :
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit :I do not have a specific answer for that question, but I will take you to Encarta's articles on this topic =>
    I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
    thoms dit :You're not that smart indeed.
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit :What did you say that for?
    thoms dit :I said that because you can't use ressources freely available on the internet.
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit :Hmm. I'm not sure about that one. Let's try an Encarta search. =>
    I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
    thoms dit :Come on! Use you CPU!
    Encarta® Instant Answers dit :I'm not sure I understood you correctly. Let's try an Encarta search. =>
    I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.

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