Journal Jeff Dike embauché par Intel pour travailler sur user-mode-linux

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Reçu à 20:17 sur la mailing-list [uml-user] de sourceforge

Depuis lundi dernier il est salarié Intel à plein, avec la majeure partie de son temps consacré à user-mode-linux ( ). Il nous promet donc l'arrivée de plein de bonnes choses...

Mais le mois de juillet est mort pour cause d'emploi du temps chargé.

Copie de son mail:

The first bit of news is that as of last Monday, I am working for Intel. They generously offered a full-time position, off-site, with my time mostly spent on UML. This basically means that UML is no longer a part-time, after-hours thing for me, so we should start seeing more work happening on it, especially compared to the last month or two.

As a side note, Red Hat had approached me first about working for them before Intel, so they are due some kudos as well, even though I ended up not accepting their offer.

The other bit of news is that you won't start seeing the this extra time kick
in until the end of July. Next week, I'm off to Iceland for some sightseeing,
and so I'll be incommunicado.

Two weeks later, it's KS/OLS time. Maybe I can get something done in the week in between, but I'm not counting on too much. So, figure UML development on my part will be pretty close to suspended until the last week of July.


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