Journal Netcraft survey

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67.41% Apache
21.02% Microsoft
3.39% SunONE

In the November 2003 survey we received responses from 44,946,965 sites.

Apache has a significant percentage gain this month as, a leading domain registrar with a domain parking system serving responses for over one million domains eliminated its Windows front end, and reverted to Linux and Apache which it ran previously. Barely weeks ago its largest rival, Network Solutions made a similar switch from Microsoft-IIS back to SunOne, nee Netscape-Enterprise, for its own domain parking system.

During 2001 and the first half of 2002 several companies hosting very large numbers of hostnames including Webjump, Namezero, Homestead, and Network Solutions migrated to Microsoft-IIS. Subsequently these businesses have either failed, significantly changed their business model, or reverted to their previous platform, and Microsoft-IIS share is now in line with its long term pre-summer 2001 level of around 20%.
  • # Re: Netcraft survey

    Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

    Très instructif ce mouvement : migration vers m$ puis re-migration vers Linux/Apache ou SunONE...

    c'est un truc à montrer aux dissaïdors qui sont en train de migrer vers m$ !

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