How to compile kernel on Gentoo Linux:
download OZ gcc-toolchain :
uncompress to /usr/local/arm/
export PATH=/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin:$PATH
Kernel stuff:
download kernel sources :
install bitkeeper (emerge bitkeeper)
1. bk clone buildroot-oz
2. cd buildroot-oz
3. bk -r co -q
4. cp /arch/def-configs/poodle-j
Patch kernel sources:
cd your_kernel_tree; cat /path/to/the/buildroot/packages/kernel-c700/compile.patch | patch -p1
5. make menuconfig to disable Xscale Cache errata
6. Go into build settings, select your linux distribution. Save, and exit.
7. make
8. make dep
9. make clean zImage
Once the zImage created, you just have to replace the zImage.bin provided with your latest official Sharp rom update and reflash the whole thing.
Journal Zaurus SL-C700 Kernel Compilation
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