• # Re: ceci n'est pas un journal

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.

    s/Ma grippe/Magritte/ ?
    • [^] # Re: ceci n'est pas un journal

      Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

      ma grippe c'est mieux que m'ah gritte, non ?
      s/je de maux/jeux de mots/
      • [^] # Re: ceci n'est pas un journal

        Posté par  . Évalué à 1.

        • [^] # Re: ceci n'est pas un journal

          Posté par  . Évalué à 5.

          man grip ?
          • [^] # Re: ceci n'est pas un journal

            Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à -4.

            Voila :

            GRIP(1) GRIP(1)

            grip - A gtk-based cd-player and cd-ripper.

            gcd - A gtk-based cd-player (used as part of grip, or alone).

            grip [-d ] [-s] [-l]

            gcd [-d ] [-f] [-l]

            Grip is a gtk-based cd-player and cd-ripper. It has the ripping
            capabilities of cdparanoia builtin, but can also use external rippers
            (such as cdda2wav). It also provides an automated frontend for MP3
            encoders, letting you take a disc and transform it easily straight into
            MP3s. The CDDB protocol is supported for retrieving track information
            from disc database servers. Grip works with DigitalDJ to provide a
            unified "computerized" version of your music collection. GCD is the cd-
            player only version of Grip.

            Because Grip and GCD share much of their functionality, this file
            documents both of them. If you installed only GCD, you should ignore
            the bits that talk about "ripping" and "encoding" of tracks.

            Grip is designed to work closely with DigitalDJ, my SQL-based mp3
            jukebox system (although it does not require it). DigitalDJ can be
            obtained from:


            These are the command-line options for grip:

            Use as the cd-rom device (default: /dev/cdrom).

            -s Launch grip in a "small" (cd-only) mode.

            -l "local" mode -- don't try to use CDDB.

            -v Verbose (debug) mode.

            These are gcd's command-line options:

            Use as the cd-rom device (default: /dev/cdrom).

            -f Launch gcd in "full" (track-display) mode.

            -l "local" mode -- Don't try to use CDDB.

            -v Verbose (debug) mode.

            The most handy way to launch Grip/GCD is from your window manager's
            doc. A dock icon (gripicon.tif/gcdicon.tif) is included with the

            Grip's operation should be pretty self-explanatory. Tracks to rip are
            selected with the right mouse button. To select all tracks on the disc,
            click the "Rip" column label. When you select "Rip" or "MP3-encode"
            from the "Rip" page, Grip will rip or rip/encode the tracks you have
            selected. If you select "Rip partial track", only the current select of
            the current track will be ripped or encoded. Start/End sector values
            are ignored if partial track ripping is not enabled.

            Grip and GCD used to be installed as setuid root. This was for several
            reasons. First, most people have their systems configured such that
            their user account does not have access to the cd drive. Secondly,
            cdparanoia requires access to both the cd device and (for SCSI drives)
            the generic SCSI device (usually /dev/sg). Despite this, I
            no longer install the programs setuid root. This means that you will
            have to set the permissions correctly on the appropriate devices, or
            run the program as root.


            If you have trouble with Grip or GCD, read the "Common Questions"
            section. I'm getting bogged down in email these days. This being said,
            I do appreciate feedback on Grip. If, after reading through this
            document carefully, you still have a question, or have a feature
            request, feel free to email me. Do read the file TODO first, however,
            to check whether it's already on my list.


            The "Config" menu allows you to configure your ripping program and your
            CDDB database. Rip/Encode/ID3 options are only available in Grip.

            Here are the options:

            CD options:

            Don't interrupt playback on exit/startup
            If this is not selected, Grip will stop play when it starts and
            when it stops.

            Rewind when stopped
            If selected, Grip will rewind to the first track when play is

            Startup with first track if not playing
            If this is not selected, Grip will begin with whatever track the
            cd-player played last.

            Reshuffle before each playback
            If selected, Grip will re-randomize the tracks each time playback
            begins when in shuffle-play mode.

            Rip Options:

            This allows you to select one of the preset rippers. This will
            fill in sensible default parameters for calling the ripper. If you
            select "grip (cdparanoia)", Grip will use its builtin version of
            cdparanoia (only available if paranoia has been compiled in). If
            the builtin ripper is selected, the following options are

            Disable paranoia
            Disables all paranoia checking.

            Disable extra paranoia
            Only cdda2wav-style overlap checking will be done.

            Disable scratch detection
            Do not look for scratches.

            Disable scratch repair
            Disable scratch repair (still detect)

            Ripping executable
            This should be the full path to the program you want to use to rip
            tracks with.

            Ripping command-line
            These are the arguments that will be passed to the ripping
            program. The '%' switches are translated as follows:

            %t Track to be ripped

            %b Begin sector to be ripped (0 is start of track)

            %e End sector of track

            %f Filename to put .wav data to

            Rip file format
            This specifies the format of the filename to write ripped data to.
            The '%' switches are translated as follows:

            %n Name of track being ripped

            %t Number of track being ripped

            %a Artist of current track

            %A Artist of the current disc

            %d Name of current disc

            %b Begin sector to be ripped (0 is start of track)

            %e End sector of track

            %c cdrom device

            %i CDDB discid in hex format

            %g ID3 genre tag as a number

            %G ID3 genre tag as a word

            Adding a '*' between the '%' and the switch will cause
            underscoring of the field to be skipped.

            Rip 'nice' value
            The 'nice' (priority) level to run the rip at.

            Max non-encoded .wav's
            The maximum number of non-encoded .wav files grip will keep around
            before pausing ripping.

            Auto-rip on insert
            If selected, Grip will automatically select all tracks and begin
            ripping when a new (ie: no local disc data) disc is inserted.

            Auto-eject after rip
            If selected, Grip will automatically eject the disc when ripping
            is finished.

            Wav filter command
            This command will be run after ripping but before encoding. It can
            be used to call a program to manipulate the .wav file in some way
            (such as doing normalization). It accepts a single switch, %f,
            which translates as the ripped .wav file.

            MP3 options:

            This allows you to select one of the preset rippers. This will
            fill in sensible default parameters for calling the encoder.

            MP3 executable
            This should be the full path to the program you want to use to
            MP3-encode tracks with.

            MP3 command-line
            These are the arguments that will be passed to the MP3 encoder.
            The '%' switches are translated as follows:

            %b Encode bitrate (kbits/sec)

            %f Filename of the .wav data to be encoded

            %o Filename to save mp3 data to

            MP3 file format
            This specifies the format of the filename to write MP3 data to.
            The '%' switches are the same as those used in the rip file

            Delete .wav after encoding?
            If selected, this option will (surprise!) delete the ripped .wav
            file after encoding.

            Insert into SQL database
            If selected, and DigitalDJ is installed, Grip will place the song
            information into DigitalDJ's song database.

            Number of CPUs to use
            This is the number of simultaneous encode

            processes allowed. If you have an SMP system, increase this number
            to use more processes. Note that Grip must be restarted for
            changes in this option to take effect.

            MP3 'nice' value
            The 'nice' (priority) level to run the MP3 encode at.

            ID3 options:

            ID3 Executable
            The full path to the program that will add ID3 tags to an MP3 file

            ID3 Command-line
            The arguments to be passed to the ID3 program. The % switches are
            translated as:

            %n Name of track

            %t Number of track

            %a Artist of current track

            %A Artist of the current disc

            %d Name of current disc

            %g ID3 genre tag as a number

            %G ID3 genre tag as a word

            %y Year of track

            %f Name of the MP3 file

            Add ID3 tags
            If selected this option will cause ID3 tags to be added to each
            MP3 file after it is encoded.

            CDDB options:

            Primary/Secondary CDDB server
            These are your servers for looking up disc information over the
            net. If the disc is not found on the primary server, the secondary
            server will be checked.

            DB server
            The address of the CDDB server you wish to use.

            DB CGI path
            The path to the script on the server that handles HTTP requests.
            This is generally "~cddb/cddb.cgi" or "cgi-bin/cddb.cgi".

            Perform CDDB lookup automatically
            If selected, Grip will always try to look up an unknown disc. If
            not selected, lookup must be initiated manually.

            Proxy options:

            Use proxy server
            If selected, CDDB requests will be sent through an HTTP proxy
            (useful for people behind firewalls).

            Get server from 'http_proxy' env. var:
            If set, Grip will try to read the http server/port information
            from the environment variable "http_proxy", which should take the
            form "http://server:port(...)".

            Proxy server
            The address of the HTTP proxy server to be used.

            Proxy port
            The port to talk to the proxy on.

            Misc options:

            Output directory
            The directory to place WAV and MP3 files in. The same '%' switches
            as in the rip/encode filenames can be used.

            Convert spaces to underscores
            If selected, this will cause all spaces in filenames to

            Also underscore
            A list of characters to replace with underscores when constructing

            Email address
            The email address to be used as a reply address when submitting
            CDDB entries and bug reports.

            CD update program
            This program will be run whenever a disc is put in the drive. All
            sensible '%' switches can be used. I use this to call a program
            that generates a web page that tells what CD I'm currently

            Keep application minimum size
            If selected, Grip will always try to keep its window a the minimum
            size possible.

            Common Questions
            When I try to rip a track, I get X I/O errors. What gives?

            This seems to be a problem with non-thread-safe systems. Make sure your
            system is safe for threads. This often seems to be associated with

            I just get a message saying that the program can't access my drive.
            This makes it hard to do much. Help!

            Your user account must have access to the cd device. See the "Running
            Grip/GCD" section for more information on this.

            I can play cd's fine, but my ripper can't access the drive. Why not?

            Rippers (cdparanoia, at least) need access to the generic SCSI device
            as well. See the "Running Grip/GCD" section for more information on

            The progress bar doesn't seem to be completely accurate when doing an
            MP3 encode. Why can't it get it right?

            The progress bar is done based on the size of the output file. If you
            have the kbits/sec set properly, Grip should estimate the size
            properly. Note that if you use variable bitrate encoding (supported by
            encoders like LAME and xing) Grip has no way to accurately guess the
            file size.

            I can't get lame to work. How lame is that?

            Lame has trouble with long filenames. If you increase MAX_NAME_SIZE in
            the common.h file of the lame source distribution, it works fine.

            When I encode tracks, the MP3 progress bar never does anything. What
            happened to progress?

            If your MP3 encoder doesn't accept an output filename (like BladeEnc),
            or you haven't passed it one on the command-line, then it might not be
            outputting to the file Grip expects. Make sure that your MP3 file
            format is set to what your encoder is actually producing.

            When Grip looks up disc information, it works, but says "Error saving
            disc data". Why?

            Grip saves local copies of disc track information in the directory
            "~/.cddb". It must be able to create or access this directory.

            How come I don't get any scrollbars in the track display?

            You are using a version of Grip compiled for gtk+ v1.0.x on a system
            that has gtk+ v1.1.x installed. You need to either get a binary
            compiled for the development series of gtk+, or compile Grip yourself.

            When my buddy runs Grip, he gets those nifty LCD icons showing
            rip/encode/CDDB status, but I don't. What makes him so special?

            He's using a more recent version of gtk+ than you are. Due to bugs in
            gtk+ v1.0.x, I don't support the icons under it. Upgrade your gtk+!

            I can't get Grip to rip any tracks! This makes it less than useful...

            Grip won't rip tracks unless you tell it what to rip. Use the right
            mouse button to select tracks for ripping.

            Grip just hangs when doing a CDDB lookup. Why?

            If you are using Linux kernel 2.2.x, you need to compile Grip from
            source. Installing the RPM results in network problems.

            I was listening to a CD in Grip and it sounded horrible! What's up?

            Perhaps you are listening to country music...

            CDDB notes
            I have declined to sign a license agreement with Escient, the company
            who owns "www.cddb.com" and runs the CDDB server "us.cddb.com". Their
            license would (among other things) have required me to place
            advertisements in Grip and restrict you, the user, to use only their
            databases. I am against this commercial use of the track information
            submitted by users such as yourself. For this reason, I encourage you
            to use free servers, such as "freecddb.freecddb.org".

            License and Disclaimer
            Grip and GCD are Copyright (c) 1998 by Mike Oliphant. Grip and GCD may
            be used and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
            License. All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered
            trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.

            These programs are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
            WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
            General Public License for more details.

            You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
            with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
            Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.

            Thanks go to:

            o Everyone involved in GTK development for a wonderful GUI

            o Tony Arcieri, for libcdaudio, which formed the basis of Grip's
            low-level cd control and CDDB access routines

            o Monty, for cdparanoia and the paranoia library

            o Heiko Eissfeldt for cdda2wav

            o Tord Jansson for BladeEnc

            o Mike Cheng, Mark Taylor and all the others who have worked on LAME

            o Ti Kan, for the xmcd button bitmaps, many of which I use in
            modified form

            o Everyone has contributed code to Grip (see the CREDITS file)

            o Everyone else who has given me feedback and helped test Grip

            See the README file that came with the source code.

            Grip and GCD written by Mike Oliphant (oliphant@gtk.org)

            Documentation formatting by Aaron Sherman (ajs@ajs.com)


            3rd Berkeley Distribution Gtk Applications GRIP(1)
  • # Re: ceci n'est pas un journal

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    ceci n'est pas un commentaire
  • # Vi Roulaizze, Emacs su><0r

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    Ceci n'est pas un troll.

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