moi64 a écrit 1 commentaire

  • # Marche pas

    Posté par  . En réponse à la dépêche Parution de 0 A.D. alpha 21 Ulysses. Évalué à 0.

    Bonjour, j'ai installé 0ad mais sa ne marche pas. Voila ce que le terminal écrit:

    Cache: 200 (total: 2018) MiB
    TIMER| InitVfs: 4.08877 ms
    TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 3.30993 ms
    Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
    Cannot connect to server request channel
    jack server is not running or cannot be started
    JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
    JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
    Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft
    TIMER| shutdown ConfigDB: 2.165 us
    TIMER| resource modules: 15.7973 ms

    TIMER TOTALS (9 clients)

    tc_png_decode: 0 c (0x)
    tc_pool_alloc: 71.888 kc (2x)
    tc_dds_transform: 0 c (0x)
    tc_transform: 0 c (0x)
    tc_plain_transform: 0 c (0x)
    tc_ShaderValidation: 0 c (0x)
    tc_ShaderGLSLLink: 0 c (0x)
    tc_ShaderGLSLCompile: 0 c (0x)

    xml_validation: 0 c (0x)

    TIMER| shutdown misc: 664.99 us

    Cache: 200 (total: 2018) MiB

    TIMER| InitVfs: 349.313 ms

    TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 3.46569 ms

    Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft

    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'

    what(): bitset::set: __position (which is 128) >= _Nb (which is 32)

    j'espère que vous pourrais m'aider.