• # Re: Kernel 2.4.23-rc4

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    L'e-mail sur la lkml :

    Date Mon, 24 Nov 2003 16:58:06 -0200 (BRST)
    From Marcelo Tosatti <>
    Subject Linux 2.4.23-rc4


    Here goes -rc4, fixing modular IDE breakage present in 2.4.23 kernels.

    Hopefully this will become final.


    Summary of changes from v2.4.23-rc3 to v2.4.23-rc4



    o Fix modular IDE


    o sh64: Fixup zImage build for recent ITLB/DTLB changes
    o sh64: Update defconfig

    o sh: SH7751 documentation updates

    o sh/sh64: Clear IRQ_INPROGRESS in setup_irq()

    o sh: Add SH-DSP support

    Richard Curnow:

    o sh64: Update MAINTAINERS

    Willy Tarreau:

    o fix 2 broken links in bonding documentation

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