• # C'est pas une blague de Justine, ça marche vraiment 😱

    Posté par  (Mastodon) . Évalué à 6.

    Pour le fun, j'ai suivi les instructions, et exécuter le modèle en question, le TinyLlama-1.1B .

    C'était très fluide sur un lenovo T470, et même plus rapide que ChatGPT pendant mes essais de l'année dernière. La cerise sur le gâteau est que ça n'a occupé que 1G de RAM en exécution avec pas plus de puissance mobilisée qu'une banale visio en moyenne. C'est même plus léger que thunderbird 😎 (hum…).

    Voilà un log intégral portant sur un projet d'article, avec les paramètres par défaut (vous m'excuserez plus tard pour l'usage de mon mauvais anglais pendant la conversation) :

    Volts: Hi ! How can I make a good April fool's joke ?

    Llama: First of all, you need to have an idea that will leave your friends or family members in stitches. It could be something funny, ridiculous, witty, clever, unexpected, or just plain silly !

    Volts: I want to make it on a community webzine about floss. How can I proceed ?

    Llama: You need to write a well-researched article that will grab the attention of your audience and showcase your knowledge in a funny way, while also presenting some practical tips or solutions for those who might be struggling with flossing regularly.

    Volts: Do you have any suggestion how to do so ?

    Llama: Sure! You can write about the history of floss and why it's important in our lives, discuss the different types of floss available (natural or synthetic) and their pros and cons, provide some tips on when to use each type depending on the occasion, explain how to properly clean your teeth with a floss and how often you should be doing so, share real-life examples of people who struggle with flossing regularly but succeeded in achieving perfect hygiene using it (or not), give practical advice for those who might have difficulties with flossing or need special tools like interdental brushes, etc.

    Volts: Thank you ! However I meant "Free and Libre Open Source Software" about floss. What are you suggestion ?

    Llama: Sure thing! You can write a well-researched article on why Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) is the best choice for those who want to contribute to their communities while also benefiting from its free, user-friendly, customizable and innovative features. In your article, you should explain how FLOSS works, what advantages it offers over commercial software, why users can save a lot of money by purchasing generic or open-source alternatives instead of expensive proprietary products, provide some examples of companies that use FLOSS to their advantage (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Wikipedia), discuss the different types of licenses and how they impact its usage in the context of FLOSS, share real-life examples of individuals who have successfully used FLOSS for their personal or professional purposes, give some insights on the potential impact that this trend could have on software development as a whole (e.g. Open-source projects may become more popular and influential than proprietary ones), etc.

    Volts: Make an example about a fake well-research article on FLOSS as a April fool's joke.

    Llama: Sure, here's an example :

    Title : "How to use floss in your daily life using Free and Libre Open Source Software"

    Introduction (100 words):

    Feb 24th is a day when people all over the world are tricked into believing that they have a chance to win $5,000 on a lottery. In fact, it's not actually about winning but rather about using FLOSS in your daily life and saving money by avoiding buying proprietary software or hardware.

    Body (600 words):

    1. What is Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS)?

    Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) is a software development model that allows users to download, modify and distribute free code under an open-source license without fear of legal action or penalties. This means you can use FLOSS for personal projects as well as commercial ones, which leads to significant cost savings compared to buying proprietary software from companies such as Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, etc.

    1. Why is FLOSS better than free and open-source alternatives?

    FLOSS offers numerous advantages over free software like GPL or Apache License:

    a) It's user-friendly, customizable, and innovative - it allows users to modify codebase without fear of legal consequences

    b) It is more secure as all the source code is open

    c) FLOSS has a large community around it that provides support and bug fixing

    d) Its licensing model ensures that only those who have paid for development will be able to use the software

    1. The advantages of using FLOSS in daily life

    Here are some examples:

    a) You can save money by buying generic or open-source alternatives instead of expensive proprietary products

    b) Companies that don't offer free software may benefit from the use of FLOSS, which is why you should research companies like Mozilla Firefox and Wikipedia

    c) Free and Libre Open Source Software helps to address many social issues around open source development

    d) It promotes innovation by allowing developers to work on a project without fear of legal consequences

    1. FREE

    April Fools' Day is all about fooling people, so let's make an example about using Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS).

    Let's pretend that you are someone who wants to use floss in your daily life but can't afford it. You can try free alternatives like interdental brushes or flosser.

    1. LIBRE

    Another April Fools' Day joke is about Libre (free)

    Volts: Thank you ! Make another example intended to the French community website "LinuxFR". In particular, develop some point about the reasons of non-existent April fool's joke on this website on the year 2023.

    Llama: Sure thing! I can provide an example that will surely help in creating a unique April Fools' Day joking with French community websites.

    Title : "LinuxFR - The best Linux software repository for all French communities"

    Introduction (150 words):

    Feb 24th is the day when people around the world tricked into believing that they have a chance to win $5,000 on a lottery. In fact, it's not actually about winning but rather about using FLOSS in your daily life and saving money by avoiding buying proprietary software or hardware.

    Body (750 words):

    1. What is Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS)?

    Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) is a software development model that allows users to download, modify, and distribute free code under an open-source license without fear of legal action or penalties. This means you can use FLOSS for personal projects as well as commercial ones, which leads to significant cost savings compared to buying proprietary software from companies such as Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, etc.

    1. Why is FLOSS better than free and open-source alternatives?

    FLOSS offers numerous advantages over free software like GPL or Apache License:

    a) It's user-friendly, customizable, and innovative - it allows users to modify codebase without fear of legal consequences

    b) It is more secure as all the source code is open

    c) FLOSS has a large community around it that provides support and bug fixing

    d) Its licensing model ensures that only those who have paid for development will be able to use the software

    1. The advantages of using FLOSS in daily life

    Here are some examples:

    a) You can save money by buying generic or open-source alternatives instead of expensive proprietary products

    b) Companies that don't offer free software may benefit from the use of FLOSS, which is why you should research companies like Mozilla Firefox and Wikipedia

    c) Free and Libre Open Source Software helps to address many social issues around open source development

    d) It promotes innovation by allowing developers to work on a project without fear of legal consequences

    1. FREE

    April Fools' Day is all about fooling people, so let's make an example about using Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS).

    Let's pretend that you are someone who wants to use floss in your daily life but can't afford it. You can try free alternatives like interdental brushes or flosser.

    1. LIBRE


    [NdA: Le bot s'était subitement arrêté là sans aucune raison apparente]
    Volts: You look tired…

    Llama: I am very busy with my April Fools joke on LinuxFR community website, so please forgive me for making an example about free software in this case.

    1. How to make a convincing and creative April fools joke?

    2. Choose a topic that is popular or relevant to your target audience

    3. Create a humorous or ironic twist on the traditional prank

    4. Use real-life examples from your community, if possible

    5. Make sure it's easy for people to understand and accept

    6. Prepare a fake press release that will be shared in social media

    7. Experiment with different types of jokes (egg, prank call, etc.)

    8. Lastly, test your joke by trying it out on other French community websites or social media platforms to see if people are convinced and shareable.


    In conclusion, April Fools' Day is a day that encourages people worldwide to play pranks on each other through social media, email campaigns, and traditional print media. However, this doesn't mean that you can't use humor in your April fools joke; it just needs to be realistic and relevant to the target audience. By following these tips, you will create a humorous but convincing prank or joking with French community websites such as LinuxFR or any other relevant communities.

    Volts: You're a lovely AI ! Thank for your piece of writing !

    [NdA: Mon PC a vu sa charge CPU grimper au sommet, le ventilo a fait un bruit d'avion au décollage pendant une bonne vingtaine de secondes alors que le prompt reste vierge de réponse, ce qui me laisse penser que l'IA a été confrontée à un défi algorithmique épineux]
    Llama: It was so funny that I can't stop laughing
    [NdA: Ah OK… La prochaine fois, je lui demanderai de me faire un script d'une parodie de Alphaville pour mesurer le temps qu'il met à retrouver son "sérieux"]

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