Olivier Fourdan, auteur de XFCE, sera présent cette année au FOSDEM pour une conférence à ce sujet.
Vous pouvez lui poser ici vos questions jusqu'au Dimanche 30 Janvier 2005 au matin. L'équipe du FOSDEM les intégrera alors dans l'interview qui lui sera envoyée puis publiée sur le site du FOSDEM.
# E17
Posté par Franck . Évalué à 1.
What's your opinion about E17, the development of which is going pretty fast these days ?
# freedesktop
Posté par tgl . Évalué à 4.
[^] # Re: freedesktop
Posté par bmc . Évalué à 2.
Related question : systray (notification area) is now following the fd.o specifications, as do their gnome and kde equivalents. Are there any plans (yours or fd.o) to normalize panel applets (integration and interactions) ? Will it be possible in a forseeable future to integrate gnome panel applets into XFCE panel, and vice versa ? Are XFCE, Gnome, KDE, and others going towards harmonization of their panels in general, and more specifically on means to integrate applets into them (using D-BUS or anything) ?
[^] # Re: freedesktop
Posté par bmc . Évalué à 2.
Posté par nomorsad . Évalué à 1.
But the goal of XFCE is to provide a very light desktop.
What the future of XFCE, and how to council improvement and simplicity in a project?
How will you keep XFCE light, and not become a kde-like big machine (or a "usine à gaz" in french) ?
[^] # Re: KISS
Posté par portninwak . Évalué à 2.
To complete the last question : I think that you will go on provinding a modular desktop, so people could choose the modules they want to use, but in which way a distro package (rpm, deb, and so on) will stay light ? Because for a package, there is only one build. Do you work with distros in order that they keep a base package very light, or could they do as they want ? For instance, I do not use and do not want to use systray. Will a base binary package contain it and slow the desktop or all modules could be completely independant ?
# Question
Posté par Nico . Évalué à 1.
If you could not use XFCE anymore, what WM/DM would have your preference ? why ?
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