OpenBSD 3.4 bientôt dans les bacs

Posté par  (site web personnel) . Modéré par Amaury.
Étiquettes :
OpenBSD 3.4 devrait sortir le 1er Novembre 2003 si l'on en croit l'annonce parue sur le site
Parmi les améliorations présentes dans le changelog, on retiendra :
o The i386 architecture has been switched to the ELF executable format.
o on ELF platforms now loads libraries in a random order for greater resistance to attacks.
o Privilege separation has been implemented for the syslogd(8) daemon, making it much more robust against future errors.
o Several other code generation bugs for RISC architectures fixed.
o More license fixes, including the removal of the advertising clause for large parts of the source tree.
o stateful TCP normalization (prevent uptime calculation and NAT detection)
o Latest KAME IPv6 PS: merci à twisla pour l'info...

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