Tux Term Unit X

Posté par  (site web personnel) . Modéré par Brice Favre.
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On connaissait Star Wars à la sauce Tux (aka l'histoire des pingouins), voici maintenant XMen revu et corrigé. Allez, pour vous mettre l'eau à la bouche, voici l'introduction:

The evil multi-national corporate conglomerate empire MegaSoft® reached out and nuked someone (just about everyone, as it turns out) in 2023 with a nuclear-capable e-mail virus, designed to stop anti-trust suits. It worked, really, really well. Evil wins.
In 2076, however, Term Unit X, the militant arm of the New League of Nations Under Coherent Systems (New/Lonucs) is using a team of specially trained mutant-hybrids and extraordinary hackers to break into MegaSoft® of North America (MSNA)'s stronghold in Washington M.S., and free the world from the hands of MegaSoft®, dangerous code and irritating animated paperclips.
We join our team, led by TermUnitX leader TUX (a cybernetic penguin-hybrid), alongside Wilder (an over-zealous Gnu-mutant), Ch (a mutant with a penchant for dressing like the Devil), and Cmdr Tako, one of the United Geek Front of America's ambassadors from the DashSlot stronghold, as they are descending into the abandoned Orange Computing Hive in Cupertino, off the Berkeley Front

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