Psi, le meilleur client jabber est sorti en test2.
Beaucoup de bug ont été corrigés voici un extrait du changelog NON TRADUIT.
- Read the README and INSTALL for compiling source.
- There is no installer for the Win & Mac builds, just unpack into a convenient folder.
- MSVCRTD.DLL no longer needed for Windows build.
+ crash when clicking / right-clicking on no item in the ftman
+ s5b hasProxy not initialized
+ ftreq doesn't highlight the correct account by default in the dropdown
+ don't allow the user to accept two fts with the same destination filename
+ makemac script should fix the dylibs
+ restore userlist 'text' dates
+ gcc 3.4 warnings
+ writeDirect results in two UTF-8 encodes
+ blank host in s5b if data transfer external address is blank
+ focus search field in historydlg on create
+ you should be able to tab out of ftreq
+ fix ftreq tab order
+ replace ft icons
+ disabled debug
+ updated configure script to put QTDIR/bin in PATH
+ Reserved characters on Windows now stripped from incoming file transfers: \ / : * ? " < > |
Known issues:
- Trailing spaces in some fields need to be stripped (such as Data Transfer External Address).
Pas besoin de traduire, c'est très simple a comprendre.
Bon dimanche à tous
Journal Psi 0.9.2test2 released.
# Un petit lien ?
Posté par Maillequeule . Évalué à 3.
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