S'assurer que ses donnees sont dupliquees, ou meme laisser un programme (demoniaque) s'en occuper, j'en reve de temps en temps.
Quelqu'un d'entre vous qui utilise ce programme de sauvegarde differentielle des donnees peut-il, peut-elle s'il s'agit de quelqu'une, et si ce n'est pas indiscret, me montrer comment est oganise son fichier de configuration ?
Ce fichier est reclame au demarrage, et je ne comprends pas comment le construire ...
Merci, thank you, gracias,dank u, shoukran, chiechie, ...
Journal backup2l
# Re: backup2l
Posté par garden . Évalué à 0.
backup2l v1.3 by Gundolf Kiefer
The configuration file '/etc/backup2l.conf' has to be edited before using backup2l.
For help, look into the comments or read the man page.
J'ai lu, j'ai pas vu, je suis revenu...
# Re: backup2l
Posté par Krunch (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
Surtoute que
pertinent adj. Approprié : qui se rapporte exactement à ce dont il est question.
[^] # Re: backup2l
Posté par njko . Évalué à 1.
(désolé de cette réponse inproductive ;)
# Voila une config
Posté par garden . Évalué à 1.
Mais attention a ne pas demander la lune: si la partition destinataire est trop petite, le programme refuse de continuer (logique), s'arrete (normal), et au passage rafle quelques fichiers systeme : mon acces a INTERNET s'est interrompu, il m'a fallu reinstaller un module de reconnaissance de ma carte ethernet, etrangement frappee par cette situation.
Tout est rentre dans l'ordre.
# Configuration file for backup2l #
# Define the backup2l version for which the configuration file is written.
# This way, future versions can automatically warn if the syntax has changed.
# Volume identification
# This is the prefix for all output files;
# multiple volumes can be handled by using different configuration files
# Source files
# List of directories to make backups of.
# All paths MUST be absolute and start with a '/'!
SRCLIST=("/home/visit/Metric Data Le Pont" "/home/visit/Photos")
# The following expression specifies the files not to be archived.
# See the find(1) man page for further info. It is discouraged to
# use anything different from conditions (e. g. actions) as it may have
# unforeseeable side effects.
# This example skips all files and directories with a path name containing
# '.nobackup' and all .o files:
SKIPCOND=(-path "*.nobackup*" -o -name "*.o")
# If you want to exclude several directories use the following expression:
# SKIPCOND=(-path '/path1' -o -path '/path1/*' -o -path '/path2' -o -path '/path2/*')
# Destination
# Mount point of backup device (optional)
# Destination directory for backups;
# it must exist and must not be the top-level of BACKUP_DEV
# Backup parameters
# Number of levels of differential backups (1..9)
# Maximum number of differential backups per level (1..9)
# Maximum number of full backups (1..9)
# For differential backups: number of generations to keep per level;
# old backups are removed such that at least GENERATIONS * MAX_PER_LEVEL
# recent versions are still available for the respective level
# If the following variable is 1, a check file is automatically generated
# Pre-/Post-backup functions
# This user-defined bash function is executed before a backup is made
echo " pre-backup: nothing to do"
# e. g., shut down some mail/db servers if their files are to be backup'ed
# On a Debian system, the following statements dump a machine-readable list of
# all installed packages to a file.
#echo " writing dpkg selections to /root/dpkg-selections.log..."
#dpkg --get-selections | diff - /root/dpkg-selections.log > /dev/null || dpkg --get-selections > /root/dpkg-selections.log
# This user-defined bash function is executed after a backup is made
# e. g., restart some mail/db server if its files are to be backup'ed
echo " post-backup: nothing to do"
# Misc.
# Create a backup when invoked without arguments?
# Size units
SIZE_UNITS="" # set to "B", "K", "M" or "G" to obtain unified units in summary list
# Remove this line after the setup is finished.
# Archive driver for new backups (optional, default = "DRIVER_TAR_GZ")
# User-defined archive drivers (optional)
# The remainder of this file demonstrates how user-defined archive drivers can be added.
# The example shows a modified version of the "afioz" driver with some additional parameters
# one may want to pass to afio in order to tune the speed, archive size etc. .
# An archive driver consists of a bash function named
# "DRIVER_<your-driver-name>" implementing the (sometimes simple) operations "-test", "-suffix",
# "-create", "-toc", and "-extract".
# If you do not want to write your own archive driver, you can remove the remainder of this file.
# USER_DRIVER_LIST="DRIVER_MY_AFIOZ" # uncomment to register the driver(s) below (optional)
case $1 in
# This function should check whether all prerequisites are met, especially if all
# required tools are installed. This prevents backup2l to fail in inconvenient
# situations, e. g. during a backup or restore operation. If everything is ok, the
# string "ok" should be returned. Everything else is interpreted as a failure.
require_tools afio
# The function 'require_tools' checks for the existence of all tools passed as
# arguments. If one of the tools is not found by which(1), an error message is
# displayed and the function does not return.
echo "ok"
# This function should return the suffix of backup archive files. If the driver
#ädoes not create a file (e. g. transfers the backup data immediately to a tape
# or network device), an empty string has to be returned. backup2l uses this suffix
# to select a driver for unpacking. If a user-configured driver supports the same
# suffix as a built-in driver, the user driver is preferred (as in this case).
echo "afioz"
-create) # Arguments: $2 = BID, $3 = archive file name, $4 = file list file
# This function is called to create a backup file. The argument $3 is the full file
# name of the archive file including path and suffix. $4 contains a list of files
# (full pathname) to be backed up. Directories are not contained, they are handled
# by backup2l directly without using the driver. All output to stderr should be
# directed to stdout ("2>&1").
afio -Zo -G 9 -M 30m -T 2k $3 < $4 2>&1
# This line passes some additional options to afio (see afio(1)):
# '-G 9' maximizes the compression by gzip.
# '-M 30m' increases the size of the internal file buffer. Larger files have to
# be compressed twice.
# '-T 2k' prevents the compression of files smaller than 2k in order to save time.
-toc) # Arguments: $2 = BID, $3 = archive file name
# This function is used to validate the correct generation of an archive file.
# The output is compared to the list file passed to the '-create' function.
# Any difference is reported as an error.
afio -Zt $3 | sed 's#^#/#'
# The sed command adds a leading slash to each entry.
-extract) # Arguments: $2 = BID, $3 = archive file name, $4 = file list file
# This function is called by backup2l's restore procedure for each archive.
# It is extremely important that only those files contained in $4 are restored.
# Otherwise it may happen that files are overwritten by incorrect (e. g. older)
# versions of the same file.
afio -Zinw $4 $3 2>&1
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