Journal Interview de Bill Gates : "A Gates reality check"

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Are there customers that had built on top of Microsoft at the foundation level saying that, if Microsoft is a competitor on the application level, then they want to look at, say, Linux or Java?

Gates: There certainly has been a need to reach out to our ISVs (independent software vendors)...We're not going to do product bundles in a way that would be disadvantageous to them. We are not going to incent the sales force in some way that would be a big problem for them. We've needed to go out and talk that through. In most cases they already competed with the company we bought. It wasn't some new competitor but it was a competitor that would have the Microsoft name.

In our history as a company, on the Windows platform, we've always been both a platform provider and, in many of the key categories, a competitor of people building on Windows. That worked well for Windows. I don't think we've lost many, but boy, it means it's very important for Microsoft to be out there talking to people, explaining where we are going, what pieces go on the platform side, what pieces don't go on the platform side. I had a concern about that. So far it's turned out to be less of an issue than I expected.
Not some zeal for Linux?
Gates: It's software being used without being paid for.

[1]: [en]
  • # En tout cas, ils sont à la pointe de l'innovation !

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 10.

    Now we have a special version of Windows that when one user is on it, there is no problem for the next user. You can just come in with all your files on your USB drive.

    Un ordinateur multi-utilisateur !!!! J'en rêvais. Et en plus, on peut même mettre ses fichiers sur un périphérique USB, mais c'est incroyable. Je crois que là, MS a facilement pris 15 (oui quinze) ans d'avance sur tout le monde.
  • # J'suis inquiet...

    Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

    J'suis inquiet car je n'ai rien compris à l'article... mais pas la dernière phrase de Monsieur Porte.
    • [^] # Re: J'suis inquiet...

      Posté par  . Évalué à 5.

      j'me suis trompé :

      J'suis inquiet car je n'ai rien compris à l'article... même la dernière phrase de Monsieur Porte.

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