Journal Lomboz passe en LGPL - Plugin J2EE pour eclipse

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Lomboz est un plugin j2ee pour eclipse. Il était
auparavant "gratuit" mais pas libre, c'est chose faite
maintenant puisqu'il devient LGPL.

Il propose ces fonctionnalités :

- Wizards for creating and assembling J2EE modules

- JSP syntax checking code assist with TLD and HTML support

- Supporting all Java application servers with flexible launching and debugging capability- Supported servers include JBoss, WebLogic Server, Tomcat, JOnAS, JRun, and almost any J2EE compliant server

- EJB Wizards & Development with code generators based on XDoclet

- Web Services Wizards code generators based on Apache Axis

- Flexible and customziable deployment script that can handle even most awkward scenarios.

- Many more...

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