Journal Passage de parsec sous GPL: c'est fait !

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May 5, 2003 -- As promised earlier, we are now releasing the Parsec source code to the public. This release includes support for Win32, Mac OS X, and Linux, with both the OpenGL and the Glide rendering code.


Please note that although the entire OpenParsec source is licensed under the GPL, this does not apply to the binary data and earlier Parsec distributions. They are still under the original license, i.e., Parsec's artwork, music, sound effects, and other binary data are still restricted to non-commercial use.

We hope that this will become an exciting new chapter in the story of Parsec's development.

Bon, ils mettent pas les data sous une licence libre, mais c'est qd meme une bonne nouvelle. Je vais regarder de ce pas a quoi ca ressemble cote code :)

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